Busy, Busy, Busy...Time
I often times feel so rushed. There are nights when I stay up as long as I can to try to get the most out of my Saturday night because Sunday is the slow march of resistence to the dreaded Monday. Most of us are working for someone else and we don't really want to be bothered. We don't wanna go except...we gotta eat. Every now and then I meet someone who really likes what they do to earn money. Me...I'm working on it. I realize more and more that I get out what I put in. It comes back. I realize that I do deserve to be happy. Iyanla Vanzant says that "Life is an act of Faith. Struggle is optional." I believe that. Life is more than struggling to get by. Many of us become addicted to such an existence...struggle, adversity, chaos. Those are all choices. Yes, those things come to us. There is no escaping them totally in life. But for those states to become life or what life is ALL about...it's a sadistic notion.
Time...is it real? Or an illusion fed and created by wo/man? How many have traveled in dreams, in sleep to other places and ..."times"?
Is time strictly linear? Or, is it multi-dimensional? Layered?
I've been busy lately. Feeling a lot of pressure to meet deadline. Be at this place at this particular time. Feeling that my body is out of sync with the demands that I am putting p on it. not waking up naturally sometimes but getting jolted from natural sleep rhythms by alarms that alarm my system. I naturally wake up with the Sun...we rise together. As he falls below the horizon, so do I. Natural rhythms...circadian rhythms. Keeping time naturally. Our bodies are complex systems.
In tune, in sync to nature naturally, but often taken out of it's rhythm, it's way dis-ease sets in. Sleep disorders, depressions, disconnects from what is natural for us.
Going with the natural flow of things, of life seems optimal. But how do we maintain the balance? I spend three hours a day driving, easily. I don't eat when my body says it needs sustenance. I hold my pee because I am in an "important" meeting. When my body says slow down, I feel guilty because I am not doing anything but "resting", which has the mixed message of being lazy. So many mixed messages...I want balance and congruence...All my sides equal.
Peace. Love. Light