Tuesday, November 02, 2004

How was Your Voting Experience Today?

I stood in line for about 35-45 minutes. I chose not to vote on the electronic machine because there is no paper trail. I am very distrustFULL at this point. If things are challenged, I want them to be able to count something tangible. Folks seemed pretty enthusiastic about voting. There were people of many different cultures/ethnicities there. There was a legal person/attorney outside the precinct between representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties. I was like 'Wow, this is serious!" I am glad though. We cannot afford to have what happened in 2000 happen again. We need a President who is elected, not selected.

I have never witnessed a turnout like this. I am very happy about it though. many have struggled and died for the right to vote. It is criminal not to exercise it. We must see ourselves as a part of this system. We have to do our best to make it a democracy. If we abdicate our responsibility to others, we can't complain. And as I write this, I am speaking to other areas of my life, my personal life. We have to make choices that reflect and are consistent with what we say we want in life.

Should election Day be a holiday? Should employers offer Election Day leave for those employees who show proof that they voted? Many try to ensure that they or their candidate wins by blocking the votes of their opponents. Do we not want a candidate who has truly been elected? Voting should be like paying taxes...mandatory by law.

Voter apathy is hopefully a thing of the past. i realize I could have done more. I should have made sure that my grandmother, who lives two hours away, was registered to vote and actually went out to vote. She is 91. She stills goes out shopping, so she should vote. Maybe she does vote already. I'm just not sure. I need to check that out. Go Vote! If U did, record your impressions/experience here or somewhere.


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