Friday, October 20, 2006

Troops' Debt a Growing Security Concern - AOL News

Troops' Debt a Growing Security Concern - AOL News: "The number of troops held back has climbed dramatically in the past few years. And while they appear to represent a very small percentage of all U.S. military personnel, the increase is occurring at a time when the armed forces are stretched thin by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

'We are seeing an alarming trend in degrading financial health,' said Navy Capt. Mark D. Patton, commanding officer at San Diego's Naval Base Point Loma.

The Pentagon contends financial problems can distract personnel from their duties or make them vulnerable to bribery and treason. As a result, those who fall heavily into debt can be stripped of the security clearances they need to go overseas."

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New Baby

We were blessed with a Baby Girl on September 14, 2006. Since then life has revolved around her...what a blessing! I am tired...exhausted, but my body has adjusted. It was unbelievably tough at first, and while it's still tough it gets easier to manage. I never knew how hard it was to care for a newborn.

I haven't posted on the blog since she was born. Someone predicted that!!! :)

She's 5 weeks old today and it feels like she's been here for 5 years. We are constantly learning her and she us. I pray that things continue to get better for us as we learn and grow. She's a beautifull little person. I'm so thankfull to have her in my life.
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