Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Today was a very productive day. I interviewed a parent, attended four meetings, sent out some emails and managed to get home by 5:30 in DC metro area traffic. I felt quite satisfied while busy. I notice that I feel my discontent more when I have idle time. I think there is a saying/proverb that says, "An idle mind is a devil's workshop." Think...I don't Think I just made that up. i know I heard that some where.

I wish that more was done with proverbs on a day to day basis. There is so much wisdom contained in them. Like this one... "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation and it's destiny". Many believe that the first part (The Hand that Rocks the Cradle) is only the title of a Hollywood thriller. But it was sampled...taken from a South African proverb. It speaks of foundations that one builds on, values instilled in our children, loved ones, expectations...how we live up to them. The desire to fullfill the desire of the community, our group...That leads me to social pressure, expectations for loved ones. Do we have the power to influence others, loved ones in particular? My answer...Yes! We should expect people to be the best that they can. We must challenge each other and share our disapproval with their actions without rejecting them. Sometimes when someones actions are so far out there, or against what we stand for as individuals or groups we must put some distance there to send the clear message that a certain behavior is unacceptable.

We reward with our attention. Love and acceptance are motivators. I'll stop there with that thought.

how, oh how did I get from productivity to there? Just letting the thoughts flow I guess...

Proverbs...I'll post some more some time soon.


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