Monday, May 29, 2006

Indonesian Disasters: Are they Natural or Strategic? (I can't help but wonder)

(Just quick thoughts...)

Call me a conspiracy nut case, but why in the hell do these "natural" disasters keep happening in Indonesia and that area of the world where Islam is on the rise? I can't help but wonder if the natural disasters aren't man-made disasters to keep that area of the world destabilized so that Islam can't rise and "terrorism", "Muslim extremist" can't take or keep their roots in that part of the word.

If Tesla can make an earthquake machine and William Cohen, former US defense secretary, warned against a type of terrorism, why isn't it possible? The Bush administration manufactured a war that was sold to the American people. Thousands of soldiers and civilians have died as a result. What's not possible?

"“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997."
John Howard's, Prime Minister of Australia, comments at press conference with Bush...

"We did have an opportunity to talk extensively about some of the challenges in our immediate region. I spoke about the situation in East Timor and the Solomon Islands, and the importance of the role of Indonesia, the symbolism and also the tactical consequence of Indonesia being the largest Islamic country in the world." click above to read entire article

Call me a conspiracy theorist... I don't mind.

Can anyone afford not to be with the Bush administration and what's happening in our world, past and present?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

US 'winding up' Iraq deaths probe

"'Cold blood'

On Thursday, John Warner, chairman the Senate Armed Services Committee, said there were "established facts that incidents of a very serious nature did take place".

The commander of the US marine corps, Gen Michael Hagee, flew to Iraq the same day and said the scenes and experiences faced by marines "can be numbing".

"There is the risk of becoming indifferent to the loss of a human life, as well as bringing dishonour upon ourselves," he said.

Last week John Murtha, a Democrat member of the House of Representatives and a retired marine said US troops in Haditha "overreacted because of the pressure on them.

"They killed innocent civilians in cold blood. And that's what the report is going to tell.""

Friday, May 26, 2006

One of the few American Idol's that truly exists in my book! I don't watch the show, but really glad I caught Prince that night.

Can't sleep

I really hate it when I can't sleep especially when I am really tired. It's 2 something in the morning and I cna't stop my mind from thinking about my day and about my job. You'd think that would be the last thing on my mind. It's the end of the school year and I have a few more reports to write. I typed one at home this evening. I try really hard to draw the line with working at home, but sometimes it's necessary to meet a deadline. The problem is that I can't cut my brain off to some of the things that have come up at work.

Maybe I would feel better if I typed reports. Maybe I'd feel better if I told my neighbor to stop putting his trash and recyclables in front of my house and on my lawn...technically the space/little area is owned by the development; however, I am responsible for maintaining it if there is snow or ice there in the winter. Gosh he makes me sick...his whole family gets on my last nerve.

I am dealing a lot with situations that involve a lack of boundaries...with neighbors and at my job. It really, really bugs the sh*t out of me. Why must he and his wife put their refuse in front of my house? Would I be wrong for asking him not to do so? Right now I'm not saying anything and I think that's what's keeping me up because it's clearly bothering me but I'm not addressing it with the folks that I need to address it with. It actually feels better to formulate the thought to post it here. Identifying it, acknowledging helps. They get on my last nerve...every since they moved almost 2 years ago. I had to ask them to stop cutting my dang grass. He laid sod and now doesn't want to put trash in front of his own yard because the trash men will throw the cans on your lawn. To preserve his lawn he puts his trash can and recycables in front of my house and the trashmen throw the cans on my lawn. What kind of sh*t is that? They say good fences make good neighbors... We'll his daughter throws snow balls at our house from their deck and tries to talk to us through the window. She rolls in our grass and uses her tricycle wheels to ram the side of my husband's car while her dad looks on.

He's manipulative...he went to everyone besides us to get approval for his deck after telling us that he would be bringing papers by for us to sign a few weeks earlier. The homeowner's association didn't ask any questions because he had the names of more than enough neighbors excluding the folks that lived next door to him on the!!! He does what he wants to do and it drives me crazy because he frequently does something that crosses over into our space. Why does he always have to infringe on us in some way, shape or form?

I would like to say something to him about his trash and crap but I wonder if it's unreasonable. I know it bothers me like hell, but technically I don't know that little plot of land in front of my house near the curb. But like I said...if it snows or there is ice, I can be sued if someone busts there behind and gets hurt because I didn't clean it!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

New Things...Fear

It's scary to try new things. It's scary to change your outlook and leave old ways of thinking and being behind. I'm anxious about the unknown... being a new mom, temporarily changing my financial status in order to be a stay at home mom. The anxiety isn't enough to change my mind though. I acknowledge the fear AND I'm going to do it anyway. If it doesn't work out I can always go back to work. I can't ever get back the time, newborn to age 1, with my little baby though.

I think maybe it was Iyanla Vanzant or someone else who said, "Feel the fear and do it anyway!"

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Chapters...Closing Them

Sometimes it's necessary to close chapters in your life in order to move forward. Others aren't always happy with your decision if they are a part of the chapter you are closing, but I choose not to live for or through others.

I can tell that I'm closing a chapter. I'm finished reading from it, hearing sound bites from the recording version of it... It really feels like I'm done with it. It's nothing that's being forced. It's just taken it's natural course. Closure does the mind, body, spirit and heart good!!!

Here's to closure!!! Cheers!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hello Baby Blackgold!

Hello Baby Blackgold!

I added a new baby blog! I created because I felt the baby moving and I felt the urge to say something to Baby. I don't want to turn this blog into a baby blog so I created another space to pour all of my thoughts, feelings and sensations, questions about, to and for the little one.

One day he or she will be able to go back and look at what mommy was thinking and feeling while she/he was growing inside of me! How exciting?!!!!

A New Business Venture

Two weeks ago a friend of mine invited me to a get together where she introduced me to Arbonne International. Arbonne International is the maker of "pure Swiss skin care" products. I tried the product for a few days. It left my skin feeling pretty good. I also let my mom try...She's a connoisseur when it comes to facial products and their effectiveness. She loved it! I decided to join on as a consultant so that I could at least get 35% off of the products and maybe make a little money on the side. Well, eventually i think I want to do more than make a little money. I was convenienced of that possibility once I learned that one of my former coworkers is making $7000/month as a consultant/business builder. It's rather conveniencing when you actually know the person rather than seeing an info-mercial late at night when you can't sleep.

Check out the site. Check out the products. And, if you are interested in ordering products for your hair, face, body, supplements, aromatherapy products, make up, weight loss, and nutrition - go to

And if you feel like ordering something or becoming a consultant to sell or get discounted products for only $29 my consultant ID# is 16066185 . Place things in your shopping cart and you'll be prompted to enter your consultant ID# and password, or to register for a client ID.

A lot of people think that these types of ventures are a waste of time. I happen to think that life is what you make it. I use other people's/company products all the time. Why not get something more out of it? Why not make me rich instead of fattening the pockets of Aveda, Bath and Body, and Origins? My mom has already signed on as a consultant. We are going to give our best shot...soon soon soon! I'll keep you posted.

If you want more information, interested but not sure how interested or what aspect, email me. My address is on my profile page.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The baby seems to be growing really well. The kicks are getting stronger and stronger. Sometimes it feels weird like the little stinker is tap dancing on my cervix. I've had a few bladder kicks over the last few days as well. They haven't been too strong yet, but I know as baby gets bigger I might need to wear Depends.

We are a few days shy of 23 weeks. It's so wonderful. I am really enjoying this stage of pregnancy. I'm so happy!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo: "Cinco de mayo de 1862 - La Batalla de Puebla.

¡Viva México! ¡Viva Juárez! Viva el 5 de mayo!

The 5th of May is celebrated in the United States among the Mexican-American population, especially in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Various Mexican-American societies use the celebrations to commemorate the overthrow of the Mexican Imperial Monarchy headed by Maximilian of Austria. The Imperial Monarchy was imposed from 1864 to 1867 on Mexico by Napoleon III, Emperor of France (nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte) and the Mexican conservatives 'Club de Notables'.

The Mexican-American societies were formed after the Mexican-American war (1846-1848) in response to atrocities committed by US. troops occupying the lands annexed by the US. following the war. The war was settled by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo with fifteen million dollars in payment for the annexed lands. The societies originally consisted of home guard units but evolved into social societies as stability returned to the US Southwest. These societies contributed large amounts of material and money to the Mexican Constitutional Government in its fight against the Mexican Imperial Monarchy."

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Full Week

This week has been a full week. I visited with family over the weekend. It was a very busy weekend. One nephew had a track meet, the other a birthday dinner/party, and the other a soccer match. I drove 2 hours to see these little guys play, compete, enjoy and have fun. I really had fun with my family (mom, sis, bro and their families). They had not seen me since March. I am so big now. It seems to be all belly. Folks say that can't tell I'm expecting from behind, but oh lord, when I turn around... BELLY for days.

The baby is moving a lot. I'm noticing patterns of activity and rest. Sometimes the kicks are STRONG! Very Strong! It's kind of startling because I am not used to it. I've gotten used to movement though. But the kicks, which are fairly recent, takes some adjusting. I'm loving it though! Loving every minute of it!

Work has been busy. I'm trying to get all of my work done early because I just want to be finished with it all. I'm getting closer. I just have to make the most of each hour.

Making the most of each hour, minute, second... before you know it it's time to retire for the evening. The days pass and the weeks pass... And now we are 22 weeks pregnant. We are making the most of it all. This has been the fullest 22 weeks of my life. Absolutely Full!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Divisions Cast Aside in Cry for Darfur

Divisions Cast Aside in Cry for Darfur: "Clutching signs that read 'Never Again,' thousands of protesters from across religious and political divides descended on the Mall yesterday along with celebrities and politicians to urge President Bush to take stronger measures to end the violence in Sudan's Darfur region that the United States has labeled genocide.

They wore skullcaps, turbans, headscarves, yarmulkes, baseball hats and bandanas. There were pastors, rabbis, imams, youths from churches and youths from synagogues. They cried out phrases in Arabic and held signs in Hebrew. But on this day, they said, they didn't come out as Jews or Muslims, Christians or Sikhs, Republicans or Democrats."
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