Monday, October 19, 2009


I always feel the change in seasons. Not just the temperature changes, but my emotional changes. I used to hate this time of year. Things felt so unstable and uncertain for me. Over the years I have learned to be okay with the insecurity that I felt during this time of year. Why insecurity? Well, every since I was a child I've had major life changes to occur during this time of year. I hated the start of a school year because it meant that I had to be away from my mom, my rock, my security. My parents argued and fought (physically) a lot and I never knew how life was going to be when I returned home. I wanted my mom safe physically and I didn't want to leave her side. Things were volatile! There were other changes that I don't even remember anymore...but that feeling stuck with me. It has definitely gotten better! My daughter's birth and the time I took off following her birth helped tremendously. My focus reoriented me. I am so blessed to have her.

Today I felt a little out of sorts, like I needed to be grounded and anchored to something. My mom is gone and would normally turn to her to help ground and center me. I decided to do for my daughter what I felt I needed and, in turn, do it for myself. I decided to decorate our home for the season. I want to create memories for my daughter similar to the ones I cherish of my mom today. The time with my mom was precious. I miss her dearly.

This seasonal shift forces me to shift gears emotionally. I go inward and remember that my source is still near and close. I just have to recognize it, remember it since I am the one who usually turns away and not the Sun.

Friday, October 09, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 - Press Release

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 - Press Release: "The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons."

Saturday, October 03, 2009


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