Saturday, November 20, 2004


It is a wonderfull place to be to have no complaints, concerns or worries. There are so many of us that are in a constant state of dissatisfaction. Life isn't life if they aren't struggling. I am so pleased that that is not my lot in life.

I remember days when I feared that something bad or unfortunate was to come because I felt good and that was such a strange occurence, feeling good was. I learned early that things will come...seemingly good things and bad things, situations. Things will always happen. It is our attitude that determines it's impact on our lives. I really try to be very conscious of the words I speak. Because they are seeds planted in the mind field. I try hard to watch who I associate with because their words and ways do eventually rub off on us if we spend large amounts of time with them. "Association brings on assimilation." Not sure if that's qoute correctly...another way to say it is "Birds of a feather flock together." I want to attract like minded individuals to me. I have sent out that request many times in my words, affirmings, and inner thoughts. Everyone that has shown up...even those that I have judged to be NOT like me, are very much like me. I learn from the people that I come in contact with. They have all been valuable teachers. I can say that because that is the lens through which I have chosen to see my experiences. I am always able to see myself if I look closely.

The folks that irritate us have something to teach us. We often hear of tolerance. And we do a lot of tolerating. When we tolerate we don't accept. Tolerating others means that we have not fully accepted some things about ourselves. We are each other...the good, the bad and the ungodly. Can I just accept you as U are and not try to change you? That is the direction I am growing.

I have seen many including myself, who have not produced for fear of being judged unkindly. Feeling that they/we are not good enough. We are each masters. We are directors and playwrites of our lives. Given dominion over the dome. We are each made unique for a reason. Yes, we have differences that we share, but we also have similarities. Let's be ourselves and appreciate all of us. When we see each other as extensions of ourselves, love ourselves and extend that love to others, the world, inside and out, will be a better place.

I am out for now to enjoy the day and the people I encounter. Peace, Love, Light


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