Wednesday, November 30, 2005


It's been a while since I last posted. I've been pretty busy at work lately. It's kind of intense sometimes... meetings, meetings, meeting... So many meetings, I don't think I ever want to meet again. I'm warn out from meetings. If my next job/career/line of work requires meetings, I might decline to take the job. Meetings are over-rated. Just say what you gotta say. Why you gotta meet every dang week? Email me. Put a flyer in my mailbox...just don't schedule another meeting! There are so many things I could do with the time I spend in meetings. I could build a house, Figure out a cure for diabetes, get a replacement for George Bush, build a backbone for the, so many things I, we could do if we weren't in freakin' meetings. I have meetings scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday regularly. That's where I am and what I'm doing on those days. Sometimes I can get in more meetings to actually interview parents...More meetings. Who in the heck invented meetings? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you actually had a good time in the meeting. Maybe it would be bearable if you really genuinely liked the people you were in the meeting with. Maybe if you were strategizing on how to have fewer meetings in the meeting. Dang, the more degrees you have the more meetings you have. I'd rather be a construction worker in the fall months. (It's too hot in the summer.) Some days I sit in meetings and pray. I ask God to please deliver me from the meeting! Some days all I can say is God, help! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if people got straight to the point and said what was on their mind. For instance, "Guys, bottom line...we are F---king up. We in the of yall gotta go!" Okay, maybe one would want to come to a meeting to hear they are going to be "let go". IF it wasn't for the money, being "let go" wouldn't be so bad. I would volunteer to be "let go" if I could still get my check. I hear it doesn't work like that though. Oh well, Maybe I should go and rest up so I can seat in another round of meetings tomorrow.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

RIZE -This Movie is a Must See! Rent it soon!!!!


Saturday, November 26, 2005

White House Official Seeks Welfare Changes


Lawmakers Under Scrutiny in Probe of Lobbyist

Lawmakers Under Scrutiny in Probe of Lobbyist: "By Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, November 26, 2005; Page A01

The Justice Department's wide-ranging investigation of former lobbyist Jack Abramoff has entered a highly active phase as prosecutors are beginning to move on evidence pointing to possible corruption in Congress and executive branch agencies, lawyers involved in the case said.

Prosecutors have already told one lawmaker, Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio), and his former chief of staff that they are preparing a possible bribery case against them, according to two sources knowledgeable about the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity."

New Front Opens In Owner-Renter Battles in D.C.

New Front Opens In Owner-Renter Battles in D.C.: "By Yolanda Woodlee
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 26, 2005; Page B01

When William Murray moved into his apartment near Capitol Hill in August, his landlord assured him that the unit was free of lead paint, asbestos or any other hazard.

But a month later, the owner informed city officials that all 46 units at the Lincoln Terrace Apartments, including Murray's, had to be vacated because of dangers posed by lead paint and asbestos. The tenants were given 120 days to leave.

Residents of the apartments where William Murray and his daughter Trudy live have been told to vacate because of lead paint and asbestos.
Residents of the apartments where William Murray and his daughter Trudy live have been told to vacate because of lead paint and asbestos. (By Tracy A. Woodward -- The Washington Post)

Murray was perplexed and angry.

'I can't believe one month later there's lead paint,' said Murray, who works for a publishing distributor. 'I think it's part of a scheme. I realize we're in the Capitol Hill area. They're trying to build condos.'"

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bacteria Can Take Pictures of Themselves - Yahoo! News

Bacteria Can Take Pictures of Themselves - Yahoo! News: "SAN FRANCISCO - The notorious
E. coli bug made its film debut Wednesday. That's when researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of Texas announced in the journal Nature that they had created photographs of themselves by programming the bacteria — best known for outbreaks of food poisoning — to make pictures in much the same way Kodak film produces images."

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Something keeps me tied to the past
I wish that I could simply cut the strings
that tie me to those days
I am sure that in time that will happen
but now I'm trying to force it
and I shouldn't

I just need to release some thoughts...
I am balancing my own need with my disappointment
that others aren't what I need them to be...that's selfish
but it's the honest to God truth
I'm tied to it because emotionally
I'm still attached, I still have expectations and until
I relinquish my expectations of you and accept you
for who you are
I will continue to be tied to you
what need do I have that I wanted you to meet?
why else would I be re-acting?
I could deny it all,
but that's too easy
I'd rather heal it
correct it
and remove any blockages
that blocks the flow...
Some say that we shouldn't have expectations of others,
but that's not true
We expect others to keep their agreements,
honor their commitments
...but when I think about it, we've never made any

Think Progress » What Bush Knew: More Evidence That He Deliberately Misled


(Criminal...Impeach George Bush)----Warning on Jazeera bombing report - Yahoo! News

Warning on Jazeera bombing report - Yahoo! News: "LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has warned media organizations they are breaking the law if they publish details of a leaked document said to show U.S.
President George W. Bush wanted to bomb Arabic television station Al Jazeera.

The government's top lawyer warned editors in a note after the Daily Mirror newspaper reported on Tuesday that a secret British government memo said British Prime Minister
Tony Blair had talked Bush out of bombing the broadcaster in April last year."


Moving on
I realized maybe again
maybe for the first time that
it's time to move on
It's not what it was
it's very helpfull at all
it being whatever it is...
I realize that I don't like what I see
I realize that something is different
maybe it's me...
It's just not the same
or, whatever it is I have no more use for
selfish it seems
i expect more from you
but you aren't there
and who am I to expect or require you to meet my expectation
I guess I need to adjust my thinking and
accept you for you
only I didn't realize who you were
who you really were or became
until now...
was it my eyes, my ears, my heart that
wanted to see, hear and feel what they wanted
I saw what I wanted to see
you showed what you wanted to show
i accept response-ability for my part
now knowing what I know
knowing what I feel
what will I do?
what will I think?
what will I feel?
I'm having a hard time with this
because I finding that
I've grown a little more
and you haven't grown with me
and I don't know exactly where that leaves us
besides distant
I'm disappointed
when I should be accepting
This trial of yours
has shown me
what you are made of

I see now that the life you've created is not one that you enjoy
It's one of habit...being insecure
you need others to help you feel okay
while we all need other people
I didn't know that the attention from others is what
fuels you...
Your head is so big,
that it's disappointing
Your shallow
and I never realized how shallow until this week
and what I'm saying is what I'm feeling
and what I'm thinking
and I'm just trying to get it out of me...
look at it for what it is...
I chose to be a participant...
co-creator of a piece of the web
I want higher ground
I want more from my interactions
and right now I only see habitualized behavior
that used to serve a purpose greater than now
it's not happening anymore
I can't related anymore...
Some might ask "are you dropping a friend in need?"
I say, 'no, I'm relinguishing my codefendant status in this co-dependent interaction'
Sometimes we grow up/our/past people and situations
That is okay...
I don't have to hold on
not anymore
not today...

Maybe one day I will be able to answer the question of why I'm let down
by you...
Why did I expect more from you?
I realize that Your silence is not cool confidence
You just don't know what you are doing, or what to say...
'cause what you are feeling doesn't match
what you are saying and displaying
I'm tired of playing
I'm tired of the inauthenticity
The ego
I can't partake
I don't want to partake
I don't want to be used, as innocently as it may seem
The give and take isn't a smooth flow...
I know you didn't know
I just started to feel this way
after I saw you under pressure
the dam broke...
and I saw that you, your identity, is wrapped up in something false and shallow,
but deep and sad.
Get some help
before your fragile ego
literally cracks when the admirers disappears
I'm the only one that sees that something is not quite right,
but you always show me how you really feel
I interpret it one way and you another
and while I don't want to seem judgemental,
I am honest, especially with those I love...

~Just releasing some thoughts/feelings streaming through my head

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Don't Be Afraid...

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Many people I run across are unhappy in their lives. They have created elaborate nets that involve using other people to take care of their emotional needs. They are sometimes dishonest with themselves, and most times dishonest with others that they attempt to leech off of. Why don't some realize that the webs, the lies, the scheming and the manipulation they use and create no longer work for them? Maybe it's because disharmony with ones self has become the norm. I have a friend who is crashing emotionally because she will not seek professional help to take care of herself.

Taking care of ones self involves first being aware that you need help. It's not fair to rely on other people to take care of our emotional needs. It's not fair to use others for our own selfish gains and give very little in return. Dis-ease shows up for a reason. If we do not address what the dis-ease is attempting to alert us to, the dis-ease can grow to a full blown DISEASE.

Don't be afraid to grow. Don't allow fear to prevent you from having a better life. Stagnancy harms us. Everything is in constant motion. Science tells us that... We are going against nature when we attempt to remain "unchanged" and stay the same.

It's not easy to do things that we fear, but we can't allow the fear to paralyze us.

I love the process of self-discovery. I love challenging myself to do things that I am afraid to do. Everyone doesn't share that love. Some would rather hide and run from themselves and their problems. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. There is nothing wrong with taking a look at our lives and evaluating what does and doesn't work for us.

Every since I can remember I've always sought to understand why I did/do what I do. I wanted to understand why I had certain people in my life when they brought me pain. I wanted to love myself. Not only in word, but in deed.

Examine your life honestly. Ask yourself tough questions. Seek to know and understand the answers to those questions. And once you understand the why, the who, the what, the where, do something to make your life better. It may involve cutting all ties with people who don't honor you. We all know how it is to be around people who make us feel awfull when we are around them. Are you one of those people because you are overly needed or leechy?

Who are you if thepeople you've built your identity around leave you? Co-dependency is a bitch. It's easy to continue on life's treadmill of sameness and certainty. It's harder to challenge ourselves and take the "road less travelled".

Take care of yourself. Not just your physical self, but your emotional and spiritual self as well. No one can carry you emotionally, but people can support you in your process of recovery. I can no longer be a party to your dependence while you do very little to take care of yourself. Don't be afraid...Have faith! Be faith! Have the courage to live more fully. Have the courage to be happy and experience joy. It's not easy, but it is do-able!

Monday, November 21, 2005


Time for bed. I've been going to bed late for the past three nights because I got a new computer and I don't want to get off of it...But i must. I feel awfull when I don't get adequate rest. signing off. Sweet dreams~

Sorry, George, I'm In the Majority ...from Michael Moore -Welcome to!


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Impeach Bush

I think George Bush and his whole cabinet should be impeached. I know that the president can be impeached, but I guess it's wishfull thinking to impeach a whole presidential cabinet.

I am saddened when I think about the number of innocent people who lost their lives because of oil. There is no other way to look at this war situation. We will be there indefinitely. There is no plan to bring the troops home. Bush says fighting them over their makes us safer over here. Who the hell came up with that? Saddam didn't have anything to do with September 11, 2005. If he had the Bushes would have told us by now to take their behinds out of hot water. How do we stomach the killing of so many people in Iraq...soldiers, civilians, mothers, children, fathers?

If Clinton can be impeached for lying to a grand jury, then surely George Bush can be impeached for taking a country to war under false pretenses. The Project for the New American Century
made it clear. Many of the signers of that letter to Bill Clinton are in the current Bush administration. This guy, GW, never had any credibility with a lot of Americans. Now those who were supporters of the sham are bailing. Who wants to go down on a sinking ship? "Truth crushed to the earth shall rise". The truth that is buried with so many souls in Iraq and on US soil, that truth will rise. Katrina exposed a truth that many knew. Paris on fire is exposing another truth.

The famous line from the movie...what's the name of that movie where Jack Nicholson says "you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" That's true. Many of us want to go on living in denial about our Nation. Don't get me wrong. America is the land of opportunity. But it's opportunity at the expense of another. It has always been that way from it's inception. Stolen land, genocide...This nation has wicked ways that makes others want to harm us. Ways that I don't even know about. What I do know makes me wanna holler. I don't think I could really handle America's Live-Uncut Truth. The little I know scares the hell out of me.

We, the people, have to realize that we have the power to take back our nation. Before the planes on September 11, 2001, our government was hi-jacked. Those are strong words...but hey, Bill Frist said that the Senate was "hi-jacked" by Democrats when they asked for a closed session a few weeks ago. Compared to the gangsters of the Bush administration, the democrats do seem like some weaklings. Our political system is whacked. Two parties that the whole nation has to somehow jam their political ideologies into. For most, it has long been the lesser of two evils. It's who doing to do the least amount of damage, not the most good. That's sad...I person of good character doesn't have a chance. You have to adopt many of their ways to play on their field, or you not gonna play. That not just Capital Hill. That's any system that is run and controlled by someone other than yourself. Sometimes we can link with others who share the same "politics".

I feel bad for our troops. Their moral must be at a -500 by now. What in the hell is their mission? "Operation- Stay- Alive- Bush -Cheney -Haliburton -& -Other -Oil -Dudes -Get -Themselves -Setup"?

Join an organization. Go out and protest. Do something!
I miss writing poetry. I haven't written any in a while. I guess it's not good to force anything. It comes when it comes. There is something brewing inside though...There is a poem. There is a masterpiece. A master peace...I have old faithfull on... playing in the background as I type. Who...what is old faithfull? Old faithfull is Prince. The Sign o' the Times movie is saved on my dvr. Everytime I need to reconnect with a certain part of myself I play the Purple One.

Self-recovery, I guess. "O-wee-o, ooohh-o!"

There are many days where I feel like I need to recover something. Life, my life is frequently changing despite the appearance that things seem to be the same. It's hard to stay caught up with myself with all the newness that comes with being willing to change your mind. Giving up the old and embracing the new...even if it's the new me.

I am now listening to Papillon by Meshell Ndegeocello presents the Spirit Music Jamia. I love this album Dance of the Infidels. Papillon is one of the most beautifull songs I've heard. I also love Aquarium and Dance of the Infidels. The saxophone screams in that song. The emotion that comes through is amazing. I often like to write to Meshell Ndegeocello's music. A lot came through when writing to the Comfort Woman CD. Dance of the Infidel is...I don't know the words. One day I will write to it. Right now as I try it's just a ball of emotion that wants to express itself as such. That song makes me want to cry. It's that powerfull to me. When the horns start mimics times that I felt so confused or frustrated, wanting to scream because the words are trapped in my throat, blocked....caught in the massive ball of energy trying to release itself.

When writing to music, it's like channelling... whatever resonates with you in the music comes out. It's like creating a new life. Joining with the life force/essence of another to birth a new entity. There aren't many musicians that I can write to. Meshell Ndegeocello is defintely one that I can write to.

I really want to write...but for some reason I can't reach that place. I can't tap it yet. Maybe there's to much going on around me. Maybe I haven't tuned in to listen to the voice. Maybe I should turn off the television where I can still hear a little bit of Prince sing "U got the Look" in the background. But hold on...If I was Your Girlfriend is about to come on. Be Right back...

Okay...I was in high school when Sign o' the Times came out. I've said it before...Prince wrote the soundtrack to my life. Of course, there are other songs/artist, but hands down (or up) he's my constant.

I'm rambling... free writing....whatever pops into the dome finds a home in this post. We'll almost everything. Let me start another and see if i can pen/type what my souls wishes to speak.

Thanks Giving/ Family

I am so happy that the work week is three days long this week. I am looking forward to spending time with my family over Thanksgiving dinner. I love being with my mother, sister, brother, their spouses and my three nephews. My three nephews are the most beautifull boys. The eldest, Anthony (ant-man), is a senior in high school. I knew from the time that he was a little boy that wehn he got older we would be friends, not just aunt and nephew. He was born the day after my senior prom. With very little sleep the night before I anxious awaited his arrival with the rest of my family. We couldn't wait for him to come. We've been blessed with him every since that day. He's a good person.

Gregory was born a month after my father made his transition in 1997. So, they never had the opportunity to meet face to face unless you count in utero. Gregory is loving. They all are very loving. They don't have a hard time expressing it either.

Thomas III, my brother's son, is another sweetie pie. I don't know how to describe him. He's something else. He was born two years after Gregory. When the two of them get together they hug and hang out. I hope that they remain close to each other.

It's so amazing how everyone has his or her own personality. There are so many people of the Earth and each of us is unique. How amazing?

I look so forward to being a mother, and having my little one be loved by Gregory, Anthony and Thomas.

Think Progress » Rumsfeld Attacks Murtha: Says He Is Undermining Troops, Comforting Enemy


The Alito Memo

The Alito Memo: "
Sunday, November 20, 2005; Page B06

SUPREME COURT nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s now-famous 1985 memorandum is unsettling. The memo, part of an application for a political appointment in the Justice Department during the Reagan administration, reveals an energetic young conservative driven by discontent with important (and, in our view, beneficial) Supreme Court rulings and eager to alter the lay of the legal land. Mr. Alito describes his early conservatism as 'motivated in large part by disagreement with Warren Court decisions, particularly in the areas of criminal procedure, the Establishment Clause and reapportionment.' He describes being 'particularly proud' at helping to advance legal positions 'in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion.'"

Irresponsible on Iraq

Irresponsible on Iraq: "A SERIOUS congressional debate about Iraq is essential at a time when public support for the mission is falling and the danger of failure seems great. Aggressive challenges to the Bush administration's military and political strategy -- even calls for an immediate withdrawal of troops, such as that made by

Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) on Thursday -- must be part of that democratic discussion. Yet what we've mainly seen during the past two weeks is a shameful exercise in demagoguery and name-calling."

Friday, November 18, 2005

Whatever may come...

Whatever the universe delivers say thank gratitude because whatever it is showed up for a reason. Sometimes we've asked for it consciously. Sometimes we don't remember, and what we prayed for 7 years ago shows up today because the eyes, the ears, the heart, the mind, the spirit can perceive it now. Sometimes what shows up is the catalyst... the thing that, the experience that once you interact with it, you are shown another part of you that you forgot or didn't know so well or didn't know existed.

We pray for patience, and then a situation that calls for patience-in-action shows up on our doorstep. We pray for calm in the midst of chaos... Calm may be present but we aren't tuned in to that station. Does something outside of ourselves rush over us to bring peace, or do we go to a place within (tune in) to allow the peace to be experienced and permeate outwardly?

Whatever comes is a blessing if we use the eyes of gratitude to see it. Which set of eyes, which heart, Which ears, which mind, which spirit will you use to experience the world within and around you today?

Choose and be faithfull! (The verb-faithfull)

It is a Good day!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Random Thoughts...Faith...Maybe?

It's been a while since I've written anything that felt like a cathartic release. Lately, I've been more than attempting to be present in whatever I am doing while I am doing it. It seems like such an easy thing to do, but it's not. The mind goes all over the place. Emotions take us places. Our senses of sight, sound, smell and touch take us to even more places, and before we know it we are in our very own custom-made time machine...all while standing still we travel to, from and back to the future. Virtual reality, fiction huh? What makes something real? How many reals can there be? My real and your real are not always the same but does one cancel out the other, or can both exist on their own without the confirmation or validation from the other?...Let me get out of my head and into my heart!

This week I found myself to be more present than I've been in a while. I must say that this has been one of my most productive weeks at work. The more I allowed myself to focus on one task at a time, the more work I actually got done. I left for the day feeling that I did my best and gave my all.

I've been doing a 9 minute yoga workout in the mornings and afternoons. The stretching and breathing allows me to disconnect my thinking brain. My thinking brain takes me all over the place. So many places that I am exhausted from all the travel. The yoga helps me feel centered and grounded. I find that committing myself and following through with 9 minutes of yoga is better than starting and stopping 30 minutes of yoga. I am creating a healthy habit, and doing away with the habit to think constantly and travel where ever my my takes me. Sometimes we need to take our behinds where we want our minds to follow, said the wise doctor (not me).

There is so much tension around me sometimes that I find it difficult to not react and respond to it. It's hard even when I don't want to. I am growing weary of conflicts all around me. The universe is full of opposites, opposing forces and opposition. How does one stay harmonious in the midst of chaos? I do not know the answer in total practice. A part of it is strength, fortification- what are we putting in us and how does it strengthen us mentally, physically and spiritually. I can weather many storms when I'm fortified. Sometimes, like the levees of New Orleans, we have fortified ourselves enough to withstand a category 2 or 3 storm, and a Category 4 or 5 shows up. The storm exposes the weakness and allows us to fortify and strengthen the damaged, weak areas of the levee. Knowing ourselves enough...paying enough attention to ourselves to know when and wear we are weak is an important part of our strength. Knowing that we can only withstand a a certain category storm is nice to know. But that alone won't prevent a wipe-out when the waters, the trials, the challenges come. The thing that helps us is protection... What helps us is the action that facilitates the protection. I always say that "faith without works is dead". faith-work= death. What good is faith without action? Faith-in-action! I try to remember that my faith is not a noun, it's a verb. So that requires that I change my mind when my thoughts don't support the reality that I am, or want to affirm. My faith-in action requires that I walk in darkness even when my brain tells me "hey, we need light!" Night and day reminds us that light isn't always a part of our physical perception. There isn't information or research that supports our knowing but we must take steps without the confirmation, or the knowing that there is ground beneath our feet.

I love the movie Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump was not the brightest light bulb in the lamp, but Forrest Gump did what he was told, not to much more or less. When danger came, Jenny said "Run, Forrest, Run!" Forrest ran without thinking about "Why?" He just ran. Running saved his bottom from many a bruises. Forrest had faith-in-action. He didn't think enough to talk himself out of it. He took things literally. Why do I mention this? Because today we have so many instructions, so many beliefs that we say we believe and follow, but we question them and talk ourselves out of it. Fear kicks in, up, out...and we get paralyzed. We say we have faith, but it is without action. Sometimes our faith in action requires us to stand and be still especially when we are used to running, ducking, dodging, avoiding and fleeing the scene when the going gets tough.
Forrest had faith that running would save him. So, when Jenny left him he ran across the U.S. a couple of times until he felt it was okay.

Our faith tells us to trust God/Creator/Universal Life Force. Our faith tells us to trust universal laws. Whatever our belief we have to develop trust in it. We have to have faith in it. In order to develop trust and faith in something we have to try it...we have to test it. Faith is not a spectator sport. Remember it is a verb- action. Faith is a contact sport. We may not see the results in the time frame that we designate, but the result is the result. If I can't see it, does that make it un-real? Does our expectation become the manifestation? Yes. Yes. Yes, it does. A mother said to me that her daughter was ugly and that's what the mother saw. I made my mind up that she was beautifull and that's what I saw. Both realities were real.

Faith is walking even when you don't know that there is ground beneath your feet. You expect the ground to be there...You expect the universe to provide... you expect for God to carry you. And you trust it because you tried it and it was so.

Don't expect what you don't want. Expect what you want to manifest. Expect what you want to be. Expect the best out of others and you will see the best in them. you will nurture the best in them. They will start to show you the best if you expect it. But if every man and woman is "a no good, lazy dog", guess what will be sitting at your door step and around every corner?

Honestly, I don't know where I'm going with this post. It is what it is.

Iyanla coined it with "Acts of Faith".

Maybe the point is not to engage in acts of doubt or acts of fear. Maybe the point is to know that we determine what's really real... No one else but us.

Maybe the point is to know our levee system. Maybe the point is to know where and how we need to fortify ourselves. Maybe the point is to know what category storm we can handle at our current state of functioning. Maybe the point is to watch Forrest Gump again because Tom Hanks was really good in that role. Maybe the point is to just release some words as they flow to and through us. Maybe the reader makes it what it is and it's out of my control. Maybe I went back to speaking from my head and not my heart...maybe not.

Maybe the point is that Faith is not a "maybe". It is! And with that I close.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

God...Universal Life Force...Creator...

Thank you for all that has come my way! I am blessed. We are!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Practicing Being Present

After reading a quote posted by a fellow blogger, I've been inspired to practice being more fully present in my day, and in all the activities that make up my day. So, since yesterday I try to do one thing at a time and fully focus on that one thing. It has felt much better since I have been more aware of my actions. I realize that thinking about 7 billions things at one time makes me anxious as all get out. I often get frenzied when I think about all that I have to do. My body and mind reacts as if I have to do it all at the same moment. That feels awefull. I was tired of feeling that feeling so I'm addressing the behavior that contributes to the feeling. Empowerment is a wonderfull thing. Knowing you have power and not exercising it... Not good. Is power that isn't utilized power?


I've been listening more to my body. I had to ask myself today, "why are you passing the restroom 2 and 3 times when your body is telling you you need to go?" Didn't make any sense to me. It is now the norm to go against what our body's tell us we need. We can't even interpret what the body is saying anymore. We eat when we are thirsty. We don't go to the restroom until we have to do the little dance we do when we can't wait any longer while we undo our belt buckles. I cringe when I think about how much I contribute to my undesirable states of being and doing.

That Nike slogan from way back was so right on time..."Just Do It!"

It's done!

C-Sections in U.S. Are at All-Time High - Yahoo! News

C-Sections in U.S. Are at All-Time High - Yahoo! News: "ATLANTA - The rate of Caesarean sections in the U.S. has climbed to an all-time high, despite efforts by public health authorities to bring down the number of such deliveries, the government said Tuesday.

Nearly 1.2 million C-sections were performed in 2004, accounting for 29.1 percent of all births that year, the National Center for Health Statistics reported. That is up from 27.5 percent in 2003 and 20.7 in 1996.

The increase is attributed to fears of malpractice lawsuits if a vaginal delivery goes wrong, the preferences of mothers and physicians, and the risks of attempting vaginal births after Caesareans."

FEMA to Stop Funding Hotel Rooms Dec. 1

FEMA to Stop Funding Hotel Rooms Dec. 1: "By LARA JAKES JORDAN
The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 15, 2005; 6:13 PM

WASHINGTON -- FEMA will stop paying for hotel rooms for most evacuees of hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Dec. 1, officials said Tuesday as the agency pushed victims to find more stable housing.

Housing advocates said they fear that won't be enough time for an estimated 53,000 families _ mostly in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and Mississippi _ who remain in hotels."

Sunday, November 13, 2005 Events Force U.S., France to Face Flaws Events Force U.S., France to Face Flaws: "By DAVID CRARY : Associated Press Writer
Nov 13, 2005 : 3:49 pm ET

PARIS -- In one case, the catalyst was Hurricane Katrina; in the other, a freak electrocution accident in a Paris suburb.

What followed -- drownings and dislocation in the United States, riots across France -- has forced each nation to confront problems of racism and poverty that are deeply entrenched but usually ignored.

The parallel soul-searching is taking place in two countries where politicians and pundits have long delighted in mocking the other's perceived hypocrisies and flaws.

'I'm not sure you can say that one country's system is better or worse than the other -- neither works very well,' said Dominique Moisi of the French Institute of International Relations.

'Each government waits for the problems to occur in order to address them, and their first reaction is slow and inadequate.'

The devastation wreaked by Katrina in New Orleans took a disproportionate toll on low-income blacks, with hundreds drowning and tens of thousands losing their homes to flooding in low-lying neighborhoods.

In France, the deaths of two Muslim youths hiding from police in an electricity substation triggered rioting nationwide in bleak, immigrant-filled suburban housing projects where joblessness and alienation are endemic.

'After Katrina, many French took an undisguised glee in poking the eyes of the Americans. ... They said this couldn't happen in France,' said Steven Ekovich, a political science professor at the American University of Paris.

'Now, the French are just stunned, groping to make sense out of what's happening around them. It's very difficult to admit they have a race riot, but that's what it is.'

Experts from both countries said the United States, with its painful history of slavery and segregation, has been more willing than France to acknowledge and address racial tensions.

'In France, issues of discrimination were not supposed to arise," said Francois Heisbourg, a leading French foreign policy analyst. "Officially, we're all equal. It's politically incorrect to say otherwise."

The principle of equality has such weight in France that authorities generally do not collect racial or ethnic demographic data and have shunned U.S.-style affirmative action programs.

"Affirmative action in the U.S. at least recognizes that racism exists, that problems are linked to color," said Dominic Thomas, who grew up in France and now teaches at the University of California, Los Angeles. "The French talk about how they're indivisible, but they end up with unrepresentative government."

More so than the United States, France has failed to propel significant numbers of its racial minorities to top-rung positions in government, business or the media.

"In America, one can talk about a sizable black middle class, about influential African-Americans in Congress, the corporate world, Hollywood, in ways you don't see with Muslims in France," said Charles Kupchan, director of Europe studies at the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations.

"There may be racism in the United States, but nobody would say an African-American is not an American," Kupchan added. "Muslims in France find themselves feeling like second-class citizens -- not really part of the French nation."

Catherine Durandin, a Paris-based expert on trans-Atlantic relations, said she had been impressed by the efforts of Americans -- including former Presidents Clinton and George H. W. Bush -- to raise money for Katrina's victims.

"The most shocking difference in France is that there is no solidarity with the suburbs," she said. "The main reaction is fear, how to prevent the contagion from spreading to the more prosperous parts of the cities."

During the U.S. race riots of the 1960s, and again after rioting in Los Angeles in 1992, many in France were quick to criticize U.S. policies. Then President Francois Mitterrand suggested in 1992 that France would avoid such strife because of its generous social programs.

In the aftermath of Katrina, elements in the French media seized a new chance to expound on America's problems. Now the French unrest has given some Americans a chance to point at bad examples.

One of the major U.S. groups urging a crackdown on illegal immigration cited the French riots as evidence that President Bush should abandon plans to accommodate more foreigners under a guest worker program.

"France is being ripped apart by the unemployed and unassimilated offspring of their own failed guest worker programs of the 1970s and 1980s," said Dan Stein of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. "If we bring millions of guest workers to this country, they will never leave. ... We will face massive social problems and costs down the road."

Several commentators suggested that France, more so than the United States, was likely to be so chastened by the latest trauma that it would undertake concrete steps to fight poverty and discrimination. Others were skeptical.

"I'm not very optimistic that this will lead to powerful change in either country," said Thomas, the UCLA professor. "There are incredible pressures not to look at these questions."

French rioting spurs British haughtiness, introspection - Yahoo! News

What will it take for the world to really deal with racism and the cancer of white supremacy? Many talk of crimes committed by those who feel marginalized and discriminated against, but will the world ever honestly talk about the what causes such responses? It's easy to think that non-whites are just "programmed" that way. The episodes of rioting in France, mother nature shining a spotlight on race relations/issues here in the United States, it all brings to mind an audio clip of Dick Gregory I heard in one of Meshell Ndegeocello's songs. It says "Understand young folks, when you put property rights ahead of human rights - understand you're tampering with nature. Hmm. That's right. You see, property rights is controlled by man, and human rights, is controlled by nature." ~ ("Human Rights & Property Rights")

French rioting spurs British haughtiness, introspection - Yahoo! News: "'There is no love lost for the French,' acknowledges Dominic Butler, 23, an account manager for a print service in London.

Matthew Stevens, 26, Butler's co-worker, notes that Britain has had its own struggles to integrate disaffected Islamic youths, something revealed by the London transit bombings in July.

The two men say the French riots and London bombings have highlighted differences between attitudes toward race and economic opportunity in Britain and France. In France, it's rare to see someone of North African heritage in a position of power in business or public life. In London, Stevens and Butler say, they see Middle Easterners or Pakistanis in management.

Bob Nani, 21, a clothing salesman in London, says he knows the difference between the French and English systems firsthand. Nani, who is of Algerian heritage, spent a year in France before coming to London several years ago.

'There are no jobs there (for North Africans),' Nani says of France, where he has family members. 'If you apply for a job and deserve it, you won't get it. They give it to white men. If you deserve something here, you get it.'"

KR Washington Bureau | 11/10/2005 | Operatives say CIA exemption on torture a mistake

KR Washington Bureau | 11/10/2005 | Operatives say CIA exemption on torture a mistake: "By Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay

Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - Administration officials, led by Vice President Dick Cheney, are vigorously lobbying Congress to exempt the CIA from a ban on mistreatment of detainees. But many former and some current CIA operatives say - morality aside - that mistreatment and torture aren't useful interrogation tactics and the loophole should be rejected.

'We ought to declare we don't do this. We ought to declare the intelligence isn't worth it,' said Frank Anderson, a former chief of the CIA's Near East and South Asia division in the agency's Operations Directorate, the clandestine service.

There's also the question of what brutality does to those who carry it out, Anderson said.

'I will rebel against anyone who wants my son to torture, because it won't ever heal,' he said, speaking at a conference this week sponsored by the Middle East Institute."

KR Washington Bureau | 11/11/2005 | Bush denies his administration misused prewar intelligence

KR Washington Bureau | 11/11/2005 | Bush denies his administration misused prewar intelligence: "By Michael P. Buffer and Jonathan S. Landay

Knight Ridder Newspapers

TOBYHANNA, Pa. - President Bush on Friday offered his most vigorous defense yet of his decision to invade Iraq, rejecting as 'false' and 'baseless' accusations that his administration twisted intelligence to support its case for war.

The attempts by Democratic lawmakers and others to rewrite history are demoralizing U.S. troops and encouraging their radical Islamic foes, Bush said.

Bush's assertions were in response to renewed questions about how the administration used intelligence in making its case for war. The revived interest follows the indictment of I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, on perjury charges. That case involved the leak of the identity of a CIA officer married to a critic of Bush's use of Iraq intelligence.

Polls show that a majority of Americans don't believe that Bush is honest, and his approval rating has dropped to 37 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of American servicemen and women killed in Iraq has reached 2,050.

Standing before a poster reading 'Strategy for Victory,' Bush spoke at the Tobyhanna Army Depot of the dangers of violent Islamic radicalism and what he asserted has been progress in the fight to defeat terrorism and build democracy in Iraq and elsewhere."
Link - Rice criticizes Syria at Mideast summit - Nov 12, 2005 - Rice criticizes Syria at Mideast summit - Nov 12, 2005: "Many Middle East nations are wary of Bush's second-term democracy agenda for the region. Some organizations that the administration has tried to engage are reluctant to take money from the U.S.

'It would be a disaster for this region if the region thought democracy is an American idea,' British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said at the closing press conference, where the final agreement had been expected to be released.

'America is a great country but democracy was born in Greece, just across the Mediterranean' from the Middle East, Straw said."

Few Answering Quintuplets' Needy Cries

Two more babies join Noval Davis, left, Jennell Dickens and three siblings at home next week. Photo Credit: By Courtland Milloy -- The Washington Post Photo

Few Answering Quintuplets' Needy Cries: "In years past, the birth of quintuplets has generated an enormous amount of publicity and support. Caring for five infants requires roughly 85 cases of formula, 1,200 disposable diapers and, later down the road, 1,500 jars of baby food each month. The babies need feeding and changing 22 hours out of 24, in addition to hugging and burping. Companies usually donate all the baby products and volunteers step in to provide services from housecleaning to nursing care.

But none of that has happened for Dickens and Davis. Except for the help of a few family members and friends, they are pretty much on their own.

Part of the problem was the initial media coverage of the Sept. 21 births. A 22-year-old woman has five babies after taking fertility drugs. As word of the births spread, some bloggers who monitor births online -- supposedly for the purpose of helping to find resources -- began mocking the names that Dickens had chosen for the babies: JaMir Amare, a boy, and his sisters, Si'ani Ritay, NaRae Dimetria, Jade Na'Liyah and Rayne Anye...

To make matters worse, Davis was laid off from his job at the warehouse. He wants to work, but to look for a job he'd have to leave Dickens home alone with the babies. The Davis Quintuplet Fund was set up by the University of Maryland Medical Center at M&T Bank, 22 South Green St., Baltimore, Md., 21201. But less than $1,000 has been donated so far, mostly by a small circle of family and friends."

click link to read entire story

Tutoring for Toddlers Grows in Popularity - Yahoo! News

Oh my...this is getting scarier. stop, someone will figure out the genetic code or markers for "genius" and parents will "intelligently design" their children. I might be this already happening?Tutoring for Toddlers Grows in Popularity - Yahoo! News: "OVERLAND PARK, Kan. - While Jacob Hall intently pronounces the words on his flashcards, Neha Gulrajani sits nearby working with a numbers board and Jillian Sommerauer talks to her teacher about the picture book she wants to take home.

It sounds like kindergarten, but these kids gathered recently at a suburban Kansas City strip mall to get extra help for an academic that some say is placing increasing pressure on youngsters.

The children at the Kumon learning center are part of a national growth in such preschool programs — and a debate over whether they help children."

Gov. Leads Trade Mission to China - Los Angeles Times

Gov. Leads Trade Mission to China - Los Angeles Times: "By Robert Salladay, Times Staff Writer

BEIJING — In the wake of Tuesday's special election defeat, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger arrives Monday in China with a large delegation that includes nearly two dozen campaign contributors who could get special access to Chinese officials and the governor himself.

Traveling to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong by chartered jet, the nearly 80 business executives and lobbyists will be honored by dinners in first-class hotels, attend receptions and participate in three closed-door 'industry-specific' discussions with the governor and his top Cabinet officials.

Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role

Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role: "By Carol D. Leonnig and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, November 13, 2005; Page A06

In the opening days of the CIA leak investigation in early October 2003, FBI agents working the case already had in their possession a wealth of valuable evidence. There were White House phone and visitor logs, which clearly documented the administration's contacts with reporters.

And they had something that law enforcement officials would later describe as their 'guidebook' for the opening phase of the investigation: the daily, diary-like notes compiled by I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, then Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, that chronicled crucial events inside the White House in the weeks before the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame was publicly disclosed."

Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role

Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role: "By Carol D. Leonnig and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, November 13, 2005; Page A06

In the opening days of the CIA leak investigation in early October 2003, FBI agents working the case already had in their possession a wealth of valuable evidence. There were White House phone and visitor logs, which clearly documented the administration's contacts with reporters.

And they had something that law enforcement officials would later describe as their 'guidebook' for the opening phase of the investigation: the daily, diary-like notes compiled by I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, then Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, that chronicled crucial events inside the White House in the weeks before the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame was publicly disclosed."

Civil Rights Focus Shift Roils Staff At Justice

Civil Rights Focus Shift Roils Staff At Justice: "By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 13, 2005; Page A01

The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, which has enforced the nation's anti-discrimination laws for nearly half a century, is in the midst of an upheaval that has driven away dozens of veteran lawyers and has damaged morale for many of those who remain, according to former and current career employees."

Saturday, November 12, 2005

In First for Africa, Woman Wins Election as President of Liberia - New York Times

In First for Africa, Woman Wins Election as President of Liberia - New York Times: "By LYDIA POLGREEN
Published: November 12, 2005

DAKAR, Senegal, Nov. 11 - Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, a Harvard-educated economist and former World Bank official who waged a fierce presidential campaign against the soccer star George Weah, emerged victorious on Friday in her quest to lead war-torn Liberia and become the first woman elected head of state in modern African history.

'Everything is on our side,' said Morris Dukuly, a spokesman for Ms. Johnson-Sirleaf. 'The voters have chosen a new and brighter future.'

With 97 percent of the runoff vote counted on Friday, Ms. Johnson- Sirleaf achieved an insurmountable lead with 59 percent, compared with Mr. Weah's 41 percent, in a nation where women make up more than half the electorate."
Link - News - Gasification Machine Removed From Anacostia Parking Lot - News - Gasification Machine Removed From Anacostia Parking Lot: "WASHINGTON -- The big antipollution machine that almost got former Mayor Marion Barry involved in a fight with a prominent D.C. minister has been moved to a less-populated area of the city.

The experimental gasifier was relocated from Anacostia Friday. It's now near the Blue Plains sewage treatment pant in Southeast on land used by the city's transportation department.

Earlier this week, Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry got into a dispute with the Rev. Willie Wilson when the gasifier was put in a parking lot across from Wilson's church for a planned demonstration Thursday. Wilson said it was dangerous and he didn't want it there.

Barry is supporting the machine's inventor, who says it can cheaply turn waste products into clean water and efficient gas for electricity.

The demonstration of the machine, which was blocked by Wilson, now will be held sometime after Thanksgiving, according to Barry's aides."

Life and Hope Flow From Palestinian Boy's Death

Ahmed Khatib, 12, was fatally shot by Israeli soldiers on Nov. 3. (Photo Via Associated Press)

Life and Hope Flow From Palestinian Boy's Death: "Life and Hope Flow From Palestinian Boy's Death
In Peace Overture, Family Donates Organs to Israeli Patients

By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, November 12, 2005; Page A01

JENIN, West Bank -- A photo of a slightly smiling Ahmed Khatib has joined the martyr posters on the walls of the refugee camp here. But the 12-year-old boy is shown cradling a guitar instead of the assault rifles brandished in the grim tributes around him. A large red question mark appears at the bottom.

'Why the Palestinian children are killed?' it asks in stilted English.

Ismail Khatib and his wife, Abla, have offered a response that has drawn praise from Israeli leaders and challenged Palestinians in this cramped refugee camp, a focal point of Israeli-Palestinian violence for years.

Ahmed, the couple's son, was shot twice last week by Israeli soldiers in what the military said was a mistake made during the heat of street fighting near their house. The boy had been holding a toy gun. He died two days later in an Israeli hospital, and the Khatibs made the surprising choice of allowing his organs to be harvested for transplant to Israelis.

Six people, including five Israeli Jews, have received the boy's heart, lungs, liver and kidneys since then. The recipients range from a 58-year-old woman to a 7-month-old girl, who died two days ago after failing to recover from surgery that gave her half of Ahmed's liver. The rest are recovering."

Friday, November 11, 2005

Oprah Winfrey Presents The Color Purple on Broadway


Clearing the Way

I've been home feeling not to well over the past two days. I've been listening to my body's need for rest and took the days off from work. This seems to happen every year during shift from summer to fall. This morning I thought, "why don't I just take a week off from work a week or two after we turn our clocks back?" Emotionally and physically for me, the shift in seasons from summer to fall is like an object like the space shuttle entering earth's atmosphere from out of space. The impact that is has on me year after'd think I would have figured something out by now. While it has gotten better over the years, it's challenging when I'm not doing what I now know I need to do to take extra care of myself. This time of year requires that I put faith into action like no other time of year. It requires that I create the garden, the optimal environment that I need to live and grow. As the clock turns back, I turn inward. Everything goes inside/within or appears to hide. I miss my sun since the days are shorter.

Everything that I need to do for myself, my spirit...It's all do-able. It is!. I just need to make sure that I do it. Being response-able...responsible...

It's so easy to be irresponsible...un-response-able...doing no thing, or doing the response that isn't called for to remedy/take care of the real need...the thing or aspect of our lives that really needs the attention.

A part of my dis-ease lately has been feeling dissatisfied with my j.o.b.. My nine to five. The nature of the job totally works against what I need during this season of transition. I need roots at this time. I need grounding, but my j.o.b. requires a lot of movement and transition. A lot of shifting mental gears and literally switching between three locations, three cultures, three schools... Each one very different from the other. I'm constantly shifting, and the pace during this time of year leaves me unsettled, which is not what I need at all.

(the sun light is blasting through the window as I feels so good!)

I often delude myself into thinking that things will fall apart if I'm not multi-tasking, and running around like a crazy person. There are so many people who come to me for something. There sheer anticipation of their requests makes me nervous inside. Sometimes I want to hide out and avoid them, but that makes me more anxious. I know that this behavior is rooted in erroneous thinking. Believing that I am not doing a good job. It's hard to constantly give your all at something and rarely feel gratified by what you do. My 9-5 is like this for me, and I desperately need to fix/change it. It's just not working for me anymore. And I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I know that the universe provides. I expect it to respond to the seeds I am sowing. I want to be ready for the harvest. I need to be ready. I will be ready. (Affirmation- I am ready.)

I believe that my physical congestion is related to my emotional and spiritual congestion. I haven't been writing and releasing energies the way that I have in the past. The honest flow of emotion is essential to my existence.

This post is an attempt to clear the congestion. It's an attempt to clear the way for what is to come. It's an attempt to make room for the harvest, and confirm that it is in deed coming.
Thanksgiving follows...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

ACLU, NAACP Ask House to Redo Voter Law - Yahoo! News

ACLU, NAACP Ask House to Redo Voter Law - Yahoo! News: "At issue before the
House Judiciary Committee's panel on the Constitution is a section of the Voting Rights Act that expires in 2007. It requires states with a history of racial discrimination to get federal government approval before changing their voting laws. Redistricting cases spark the most legal challenges, particularly when minorities can prove that a new map gives them less of a chance at electing candidates they prefer.

But in the 2003 Georgia v. Ashcroft case, the Supreme Court gave states more leeway to redraw the lines without being overturned for racial reasons. The test shouldn't just be whether minorities can elect candidates of choice, the court said, but whether they can 'influence' an election."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - One dead in Tennessee school shooting - Nov 8, 2005

That really makes me NOT want to work in anybody's school - One dead in Tennessee school shooting - Nov 8, 2005: "JACKSBORO, Tennessee (CNN) -- A student opened fire Tuesday afternoon on a principal and two assistant principals at a high school in Jacksboro, Tennessee, killing one of them, the sheriff said.

The suspect was taken into custody, authorities said.

No students were injured, and Campbell County Comprehensive High School was locked down immediately after the shootings, said Judy Blevens, director of Campbell County schools. About 1,400 students are enrolled in the school.

Campbell County Sheriff Ron McClellan identified the slain assistant principal as Ken Bruce, 48."

Purple Rain

Purple Rain is on right now. I am so glad it's on... I know that may sound weird, but Prince...Purple Rain has a lot of significance to me. Prince's music is the one thing that I can count on to help me during shifts and transitions. There are days when I feel disjointed and disconnected. Life's ups and downs, my challenging myself beyond my limits and boundaries that I set for myself sometimes leaves me feeling... um, weird...not myself. Prince's music has been a constant in my life since 1984. He's been with me through every up and down, twist, turn and curve.

Today is one of those days where I needed the familiar...Something from the past to help integrate this new present, this new day, this me that I am recovering and discovering. It's good. The universe must've heard my silent plea/request for assistance.

"Take me with you...I don't care if spend the night at your mansion...I don't care if we spend the night on the town"

(Sigh of relief and a smile)

White House Staff Begins Ethics Classes - Yahoo! News

On the job training, huh?...White House Staff Begins Ethics Classes - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON - White House staff members began attending mandatory briefings Tuesday about ethical conduct and the handling of classified information in the wake of the
CIA leak investigation and the indictment and resignation of Vice President
Dick Cheney's chief of staff."

Looted Iraqi Relics Slow To Surface

Looted Iraqi Relics Slow To Surface: "More than 2 1/2 years after looters sacked Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad, Iraqi authorities and police forces throughout the world are still searching for thousands of stolen items, including a handful of the most famous artifacts in history.

U.S. military sources say forces in Iraq have no systematic way of investigating the missing objects, and in the ongoing insurgency neither U.S. nor Iraqi forces can justify using scarce manpower to guard sites in the countryside, where widespread looting has continued unchecked since the March 2003 U.S. invasion."

Monday, November 07, 2005

92,000 US troops told to prepare for Iraq rotation - Yahoo! News

92,000 US troops told to prepare for Iraq rotation - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The
Pentagon on Monday notified 92,000 fresh U.S. troops to prepare for rotation to
Iraq over a two-year period beginning in mid-2006, but cautioned that the number did not signal immediate plans to slash a much-higher U.S. troop level now in that country.

There are currently about 160,000 American troops in Iraq. That total, boosted to help security for elections in October and December, is above the usual 'baseline' level of about 138,000 U.S. troops stationed there.

President George W. Bush, whose plunge in popularity at home has been partly because of growing U.S. casualties in Iraq since the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion, is under heavy pressure to make cuts in American forces there."

Random Thoughts

Today is November 7th, and I'm still feeling like 'wow, it's November?' The weather has been beautifull this oast weekend and today. I'm almost hoping that the weather gets colder faster...Why? I don't know. It's sort of like being in limbo. The seasons have an effect on me and the rest of the Earth. The good thing is my grass is confused. It's still growing (yay!)! I started my front yard almost from scratch. It little grass is so cute. LOL

On Saturday, I did a presentation for some moms at my church...Yes, I still claim to be a member even though I haven't been consistently in years. It felt really good. I was really blessed to be asked to share with them.

I saw Harriet Miers jogging on Saturday in Crystal City. She was keeping up a good pace too. I was shocked to see her, and didn't believe what my eyes were seeing. She might be a very happy woman, but for some reason I felt sad when I saw her. Maybe because folks dogged her out when/after Bush nominated her for the supreme court. Maybe it was because she jogged with her head noticeably faces downward as if she didn't want me to recognize her. I don't know...

I'm looking forward to continuing with my clinical supervision so that I can get my license to practice independently. I know a few folks who only have to take and pass the test and they haven't done it yet. They have all the supervision they need. Me...I passed the test and need the supervision. It will come together one day.

A lot of times we look at our lives and feel so dissatisfied. There are many who have far less than we have and they are happy. That's not to say that whatever it is we struggle with, or causes our unhappiness isn't real. We do have to change our thinking about problems. Why do we have problems? Are they really blessings? Is everything we go through simply a chemical reaction? An addiction to neurochemicals? Maybe yes, maybe no... Maybe a different way of thinking about and looking at our "problems" or challenges will give us another way of addressing them.

Election Day is tomorrow. I hope people go out and vote. Vote! Vote! Vote! - Chalabi to visit U.S. before Iraq election - Nov 7, 2005 - Chalabi to visit U.S. before Iraq election - Nov 7, 2005: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The Iraqi politician most associated with the discredited prewar intelligence that has the Bush presidency in turmoil visits Washington this week as he maneuvers for advantage before Iraq's December 15 elections.

Ahmed Chalabi, Iraq's deputy prime minister, is a former U.S. golden boy who for years as an exile helped organize opposition to Saddam Hussein through the Iraqi National Congress, which was funded by the United States.

He was taken into Iraq by the American forces, along with an armed group of supporters, as Washington tried to build a new power structure in the weeks after the 2003 invasion. But he soon fell into disfavor, targeted with allegations that he betrayed U.S. secrets to Iran.

The wealthy Chalabi proved himself to be a remarkable political survivor."

French integration model fails - Yahoo! News

French integration model fails - Yahoo! News: "PARIS (Reuters) - With every night of violent rioting that scars France's rundown suburbs, more and more French say their distinctive model of integration, based on the revolutionary ideal of equality for all, has failed.

President Jacques Chirac and his conservative allies are unlikely to join the critics, as that would mean accepting the approach France considers superior is no better than integration policies abroad.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy is the only top politician saying France's 'republican model' falls short and that the U.S. or British 'melting pot' approach could help break the cycle of minority exclusion, unemployment and revolt.

This desire to change the system lies at the heart of his rivalry with Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who defends the supposedly color-blind French model against the racial quotas and help for Muslim groups that Sarkozy advocates."

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Independent Lens . PARLIAMENT FUNKADELIC: One Nation Under a Groove . P-Funk Quiz | PBS


Free trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Free trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Free trade is the untaxed flow of goods and services between countries, and is a name given to economic policies and parties supporting increases in such trade.

The relative costs, benefits and beneficiaries of free trade are debated by academics, economists, governments and interest groups. Aspects of the ongoing debate are addressed below."
Link - Cheney pushes senators for exemption to CIA torture ban - Cheney pushes senators for exemption to CIA torture ban: "WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Dick Cheney made an unusual personal appeal to Republican senators this week to allow CIA exemptions to a proposed ban on the torture of terror suspects in U.S. custody, according to participants in a closed-door session.
Cheney appeals to Republican senators to allow CIA exemptions to proposed ban on torture.

Cheney told his audience the United States doesn't engage in torture, these participants added, even though he said the administration needed an exemption from any legislation banning 'cruel, inhuman or degrading' treatment in case the president decided one was necessary to prevent a terrorist attack."

Race relations still have a ways to go - Yahoo! News

Race relations still have a ways to go - Yahoo! News: "Fifty years ago, Emmett Till, a black teenager from Chicago, was lynched in Mississippi for allegedly whistling at a white woman.

Thankfully, today we appear to live in a new world.

Gallup's annual Minority Rights and Relations poll of 2,264 adults released last month found that a majority of Americans now approve of interracial dating.

The numbers are encouraging, particularly among the young. Not surprisingly, approval declines significantly with each succeeding age category, probably a reflection of those whose lives intersected more with the days of Till, Rosa Parks and the civil rights era."

Rove's Security Clearance Widely Questioned - Los Angeles Times

Rove's Security Clearance Widely Questioned - Los Angeles Times: "WASHINGTON — An intelligence analyst temporarily lost his top-secret security clearance because he faxed his resume using a commercial machine.

An employee of the Defense Department had her clearance suspended for months because a jilted boyfriend called to say she might not be reliable.

n Army officer who spoke publicly about intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks had his clearance revoked over questions about $67 in personal charges to a military cellphone.

But in the White House, where Karl Rove is under federal investigation for his role in the exposure of a covert CIA officer, the longtime advisor to President Bush continues to enjoy full access to government secrets.

That is drawing the attention of intelligence experts and prominent conservatives as a debate brews over whether Rove should retain his top-secret clearance and remain in his post as White House deputy chief of staff — even as Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald mulls over whether to charge him with a crime in connection with the operative's exposure."

Before Rearming Iraq, He Sold Shoes and Flowers - Los Angeles Times

Before Rearming Iraq, He Sold Shoes and Flowers - Los Angeles Times: "BAGHDAD — Ziad Cattan was a Polish Iraqi used-car dealer with no weapons-dealing experience until U.S. authorities turned him into one of the most powerful men in Iraq last year — the chief of procurement for the Defense Ministry, responsible for equipping the fledgling Iraqi army.

As U.S. advisors looked on, Cattan embarked on a massive spending spree, paying hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraqi funds for secret, no-bid contracts, according to interviews with more than a dozen senior American, coalition and Iraqi officials, and documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times. The money flowed, often in bricks of cash, through the hands of middlemen who were friends of Cattan and took a percentage of the proceeds."

BBC NEWS | Americas | No trade deal at Americas summit

BBC NEWS | Americas | No trade deal at Americas summit: "Talks continued beyond the scheduled end of the gathering, as supporters of a US-led proposal sought to set a date to begin detailed negotiations.

The US faced opposition from five Latin American countries, which said the plan could damage their economies.

The final document contained an appendix with the two rival statements.

With most leaders - including US President George W Bush - already gone from the two-day talks, their representatives signed an annexe to the summit's final declaration with rival viewpoints on the initiative."

BBC NEWS | Europe | French riots rage despite warning

BBC NEWS | Europe | French riots rage despite warning: "France has suffered its heaviest riot damage yet as warnings of tough prison sentences failed to deter arsonists.

Police reported 1,295 vehicle burnings and made 312 arrests as unrest in African and Arab communities spread to Strasbourg, Toulouse and Nantes.

On the 10th consecutive night of riots, four cars were torched on Place de la Republique in central Paris along with others in the central 17th District."

Bush, Cheney, and Powell Repeatedly Pushed False Evidence To Justify War -Think Progress »


Credentials Are Fine, but Values Matter, Too

Credentials Are Fine, but Values Matter, Too: "By Colbert I. King

Saturday, November 5, 2005; Page A19

Thus sayeth the high priests of far-right conservatism: To be worthy of appointment to the Supreme Court, a nominee must be scholarly, a great intellect and a possessor of sterling conservative credentials. In addition, the nominee should come equipped with a well-established constitutional philosophy, experience in constitutional law and the ability to divine what the Constitution means through analysis of its words and structure. In addition, they say, the nominee must have a proven ability to write clearly, argue incisively and have well-known opinions on judicial philosophy.

Unspoken, but well understood, is that to be short-listed it certainly doesn't hurt to be white, male and straight. By those standards, what kind of men would have found favor with the high priests?"

AIDS Rally Calls Attention to Disease's Devastation Among Blacks

AIDS Rally Calls Attention to Disease's Devastation Among Blacks: "Kendal Richardson, 27, tested positive for the AIDS virus in 1996, not long after graduating from high school in Sterling. He said he continued to have unprotected sex with men for five years before seeking treatment.

Geno Dunnington, 49, tested positive in 1985. 'The first thing I did was went out and got married,' he said. His wife and two children were not infected, he said, but he continued to have unprotected sex with men for more than a decade."

The FBI's Secret Scrutiny

The FBI's Secret Scrutiny: "A national security letter cannot be used to authorize eavesdropping or to read the contents of e-mail. But it does permit investigators to trace revealing paths through the private affairs of a modern digital citizen. The records it yields describe where a person makes and spends money, with whom he lives and lived before, how much he gambles, what he buys online, what he pawns and borrows, where he travels, how he invests, what he searches for and reads on the Web, and who telephones or e-mails him at home and at work.

As it wrote the Patriot Act four years ago, Congress bought time and leverage for oversight by placing an expiration date on 16 provisions. The changes involving national security letters were not among them. In fact, as the Dec. 31 deadline approaches and Congress prepares to renew or make permanent the expiring provisions, House and Senate conferees are poised again to amplify the FBI's power to compel the secret surrender of private records."

Saturday, November 05, 2005

FEMA Speeds Katrina Relief

FEMA Speeds Katrina Relief: "Faced with the daunting task of inspecting hundreds of thousands of damaged homes, federal officials have decided to award the maximum relief aid possible to people in neighborhoods presumed destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has begun notifying 60,000 renters and property owners in nine Louisiana and Mississippi parishes and counties that they will immediately receive as much as $26,200, the most Congress has authorized for individual households battered by Katrina. The determination of who gets the money is being based on satellite imagery of the worst flooding or wind damage, broken down by Zip code, where individual inspections have not been done."

Friday, November 04, 2005

Summit of the Americas on Yahoo! News Photos

Summit of the Americas on Yahoo! News Photos: "Thousands participate in a demonstration against the presence of President Bush at the 4th Summit of the Americas in the center of Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 4, 2005. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)"

Catching potential Internet sex predators - Dateline NBC -

Catching potential Internet sex predators - Dateline NBC - "By Chris Hansen
NBC News
Updated: 7:52 p.m. ET Nov. 4, 2005

In any home where there are kids with computers, there are parents with concerns. Teenagers can spend hours chatting online, but who are they chatting with? On the other end of that instant message could be a complete stranger — or a sexual predator. It's a dangerous side of the Internet, one that's growing and many children are at risk. So we went undercover, filling a house with hidden cameras.

Soon, a long line of visitors came knocking, expecting to find a young teenager they'd been chatting with on the Internet, home alone. Instead, they found Dateline."

I watched this program tonight. It's amazing to see so many men who went to the home expecting to meet up with young girls or boys. Parents have to protect their children because there isn't a profile to "look out for". It was disgusting and unbelievable to watch.

Bush, Chavez or Refrigerators?

Bush, Chavez or Refrigerators?: "WASHINGTON -- What do a retired soccer player, an Iraq War protester, a self-styled revolutionary and the leader of the free world have in common? All are expected to be in Mar del Plata, Argentina, for the fourth Summit of the Americas this week and none of them will have to answer the most pressing of questions: How are people in Latin America going to buy refrigerators?

Retired Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona will be on the streets of the beach resort town leading protesters whose anti-Bush fervor he has fueled on his popular talk show, 'a Noche del 10.' Cindy Sheehan will join him, demonstrating against the war in Iraq that took the life of her son. She is scheduled to speak at an anti-summit gathering known as the People's Summit. Sheehan will be followed at the podium by none other than Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who no doubt will rail against the corrosive effects of U.S. imperialism in Latin America and praise his 21st century socialist revolution."

Bush Promotes Free Trade, Democracy in Argentina

Bush Promotes Free Trade, Democracy in Argentina: "MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina, Nov. 4 -- President Bush, with domestic woes following him to a meeting of Western Hemisphere leaders in this seaside city, sidestepped questions Friday on whether his top adviser, Karl Rove, would keep his job.

Speaking to reporters before the official opening of the two-day Summit of the Americas, Bush refused to discuss Rove's future while a probe is underway into the senior aide's role in the leak of an undercover CIA officer's name.

"We're going through a very serious investigation," Bush said. "And I . . . have told you before that I'm not going to discuss the investigation until it's completed."

Rove remains under investigation and at risk of being indicted. Some Democrats have called on Bush to fire Rove because of the legal cloud hanging over him."

Thursday, November 03, 2005

United Press International - Security & Terrorism - Europe shocked by CIA prison camp claims

United Press International - Security & Terrorism - Europe shocked by CIA prison camp claims: "BRUSSELS, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- Allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency is running prison camps for suspected al-Qaida terrorists in Eastern Europe have sparked howls of protest from EU legislators and human rights groups, but strenuous denials from politicians in Poland -- one of the countries said to host the secret jails.

Human Rights Watch Thursday released fresh information they say indicates Poland, an EU member state, and Romania -- which is expected to join the bloc in 2007 -- both have, or had, CIA prisons on their territories. Vanessa Saenen, a spokeswoman for the advocacy group in Brussels, said flight records showed a CIA-commissioned Boeing 737 made frequent stops between Afghanistan, Iraq and the two former communist countries after 2002.

On Sept. 22, 2003, flight records obtained by Human Rights Watch showed that a plane from the Afghan capital Kabul touched down in Szymany, a military airport in northeast Poland. The following day, the same plane -- with the registration number N313P -- landed in Mihail Kojalniceanu military airport in Romania. Both airports are closed to the public and press, although U.S. Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld made a courtesy call to the latter base in Oct. 2004, according to the lobby group.

The claims have been corroborated by a Washington Post story Wednesday that revealed details of eight 'black sites' -- as the covert prisons are referred to in classified White House, CIA and Justice Department documents -- in South Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. They have also been given credence by Czech Interior Minister Frantiszek Bublan, who told the news agency that the U.S. administration approached Prague to build a camp, but the request was turned down by the Czechs.

'What is happening in these camps is illegal,' said Saenen. 'You cannot just arrest people without trail, transport them halfway across the globe and not give them access to a lawyer. Even terrorist suspects are guaranteed basic rights -- such as the right not to be tortured.""

United Press International - NewsTrack - FEC is asked to investigate Diddy

United Press International - NewsTrack - FEC is asked to investigate Diddy: "WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- A formal complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission Thursday claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs violated federal law during the U.S. presidential campaign.

The National Legal and Policy Center, NPLC, claims Diddy violated the Federal Election Campaign Act and the Internal Revenue Service Code, when he rallied support of Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry, reported.

The NLPC alleges a Detroit rally conducted by Diddy's non-profit group, Citizen Change, included speeches from actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick urging the crowd to oust President Bush from office.

The complaint asks the FEC to investigate whether Diddy used his company's corporate funds to illegally support Citizen Change.

The complaint also alleges Diddy may have used his 'Vote or Die' campaign as a commercial endeavor to make money for his clothing line.

Combs was not available for comment."

United Press International - NewsTrack - FEC is asked to investigate Diddy

United Press International - NewsTrack - FEC is asked to investigate Diddy: "WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- A formal complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission Thursday claims Sean 'Diddy' Combs violated federal law during the U.S. presidential campaign.

The National Legal and Policy Center, NPLC, claims Diddy violated the Federal Election Campaign Act and the Internal Revenue Service Code, when he rallied support of Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry, reported.

The NLPC alleges a Detroit rally conducted by Diddy's non-profit group, Citizen Change, included speeches from actor Leonardo DiCaprio and Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick urging the crowd to oust President Bush from office.

The complaint asks the FEC to investigate whether Diddy used his company's corporate funds to illegally support Citizen Change.

The complaint also alleges Diddy may have used his 'Vote or Die' campaign as a commercial endeavor to make money for his clothing line.

Combs was not available for comment."
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