Friday, November 04, 2005

Catching potential Internet sex predators - Dateline NBC -

Catching potential Internet sex predators - Dateline NBC - "By Chris Hansen
NBC News
Updated: 7:52 p.m. ET Nov. 4, 2005

In any home where there are kids with computers, there are parents with concerns. Teenagers can spend hours chatting online, but who are they chatting with? On the other end of that instant message could be a complete stranger — or a sexual predator. It's a dangerous side of the Internet, one that's growing and many children are at risk. So we went undercover, filling a house with hidden cameras.

Soon, a long line of visitors came knocking, expecting to find a young teenager they'd been chatting with on the Internet, home alone. Instead, they found Dateline."

I watched this program tonight. It's amazing to see so many men who went to the home expecting to meet up with young girls or boys. Parents have to protect their children because there isn't a profile to "look out for". It was disgusting and unbelievable to watch.


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