Friday, November 04, 2005

Bush, Chavez or Refrigerators?

Bush, Chavez or Refrigerators?: "WASHINGTON -- What do a retired soccer player, an Iraq War protester, a self-styled revolutionary and the leader of the free world have in common? All are expected to be in Mar del Plata, Argentina, for the fourth Summit of the Americas this week and none of them will have to answer the most pressing of questions: How are people in Latin America going to buy refrigerators?

Retired Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona will be on the streets of the beach resort town leading protesters whose anti-Bush fervor he has fueled on his popular talk show, 'a Noche del 10.' Cindy Sheehan will join him, demonstrating against the war in Iraq that took the life of her son. She is scheduled to speak at an anti-summit gathering known as the People's Summit. Sheehan will be followed at the podium by none other than Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who no doubt will rail against the corrosive effects of U.S. imperialism in Latin America and praise his 21st century socialist revolution."


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