Impeach Bush
I think George Bush and his whole cabinet should be impeached. I know that the president can be impeached, but I guess it's wishfull thinking to impeach a whole presidential cabinet.
I am saddened when I think about the number of innocent people who lost their lives because of oil. There is no other way to look at this war situation. We will be there indefinitely. There is no plan to bring the troops home. Bush says fighting them over their makes us safer over here. Who the hell came up with that? Saddam didn't have anything to do with September 11, 2005. If he had the Bushes would have told us by now to take their behinds out of hot water. How do we stomach the killing of so many people in Iraq...soldiers, civilians, mothers, children, fathers?
If Clinton can be impeached for lying to a grand jury, then surely George Bush can be impeached for taking a country to war under false pretenses. The Project for the New American Century
made it clear. Many of the signers of that letter to Bill Clinton are in the current Bush administration. This guy, GW, never had any credibility with a lot of Americans. Now those who were supporters of the sham are bailing. Who wants to go down on a sinking ship? "Truth crushed to the earth shall rise". The truth that is buried with so many souls in Iraq and on US soil, that truth will rise. Katrina exposed a truth that many knew. Paris on fire is exposing another truth.
The famous line from the movie...what's the name of that movie where Jack Nicholson says "you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" That's true. Many of us want to go on living in denial about our Nation. Don't get me wrong. America is the land of opportunity. But it's opportunity at the expense of another. It has always been that way from it's inception. Stolen land, genocide...This nation has wicked ways that makes others want to harm us. Ways that I don't even know about. What I do know makes me wanna holler. I don't think I could really handle America's Live-Uncut Truth. The little I know scares the hell out of me.
We, the people, have to realize that we have the power to take back our nation. Before the planes on September 11, 2001, our government was hi-jacked. Those are strong words...but hey, Bill Frist said that the Senate was "hi-jacked" by Democrats when they asked for a closed session a few weeks ago. Compared to the gangsters of the Bush administration, the democrats do seem like some weaklings. Our political system is whacked. Two parties that the whole nation has to somehow jam their political ideologies into. For most, it has long been the lesser of two evils. It's who doing to do the least amount of damage, not the most good. That's sad...I person of good character doesn't have a chance. You have to adopt many of their ways to play on their field, or you not gonna play. That not just Capital Hill. That's any system that is run and controlled by someone other than yourself. Sometimes we can link with others who share the same "politics".
I feel bad for our troops. Their moral must be at a -500 by now. What in the hell is their mission? "Operation- Stay- Alive- Bush -Cheney -Haliburton -& -Other -Oil -Dudes -Get -Themselves -Setup"?
Join an organization. Go out and protest. Do something!
I am saddened when I think about the number of innocent people who lost their lives because of oil. There is no other way to look at this war situation. We will be there indefinitely. There is no plan to bring the troops home. Bush says fighting them over their makes us safer over here. Who the hell came up with that? Saddam didn't have anything to do with September 11, 2005. If he had the Bushes would have told us by now to take their behinds out of hot water. How do we stomach the killing of so many people in Iraq...soldiers, civilians, mothers, children, fathers?
If Clinton can be impeached for lying to a grand jury, then surely George Bush can be impeached for taking a country to war under false pretenses. The Project for the New American Century
made it clear. Many of the signers of that letter to Bill Clinton are in the current Bush administration. This guy, GW, never had any credibility with a lot of Americans. Now those who were supporters of the sham are bailing. Who wants to go down on a sinking ship? "Truth crushed to the earth shall rise". The truth that is buried with so many souls in Iraq and on US soil, that truth will rise. Katrina exposed a truth that many knew. Paris on fire is exposing another truth.
The famous line from the movie...what's the name of that movie where Jack Nicholson says "you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" That's true. Many of us want to go on living in denial about our Nation. Don't get me wrong. America is the land of opportunity. But it's opportunity at the expense of another. It has always been that way from it's inception. Stolen land, genocide...This nation has wicked ways that makes others want to harm us. Ways that I don't even know about. What I do know makes me wanna holler. I don't think I could really handle America's Live-Uncut Truth. The little I know scares the hell out of me.
We, the people, have to realize that we have the power to take back our nation. Before the planes on September 11, 2001, our government was hi-jacked. Those are strong words...but hey, Bill Frist said that the Senate was "hi-jacked" by Democrats when they asked for a closed session a few weeks ago. Compared to the gangsters of the Bush administration, the democrats do seem like some weaklings. Our political system is whacked. Two parties that the whole nation has to somehow jam their political ideologies into. For most, it has long been the lesser of two evils. It's who doing to do the least amount of damage, not the most good. That's sad...I person of good character doesn't have a chance. You have to adopt many of their ways to play on their field, or you not gonna play. That not just Capital Hill. That's any system that is run and controlled by someone other than yourself. Sometimes we can link with others who share the same "politics".
I feel bad for our troops. Their moral must be at a -500 by now. What in the hell is their mission? "Operation- Stay- Alive- Bush -Cheney -Haliburton -& -Other -Oil -Dudes -Get -Themselves -Setup"?
Join an organization. Go out and protest. Do something!
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