Few Answering Quintuplets' Needy Cries

Few Answering Quintuplets' Needy Cries: "In years past, the birth of quintuplets has generated an enormous amount of publicity and support. Caring for five infants requires roughly 85 cases of formula, 1,200 disposable diapers and, later down the road, 1,500 jars of baby food each month. The babies need feeding and changing 22 hours out of 24, in addition to hugging and burping. Companies usually donate all the baby products and volunteers step in to provide services from housecleaning to nursing care.
But none of that has happened for Dickens and Davis. Except for the help of a few family members and friends, they are pretty much on their own.
Part of the problem was the initial media coverage of the Sept. 21 births. A 22-year-old woman has five babies after taking fertility drugs. As word of the births spread, some bloggers who monitor births online -- supposedly for the purpose of helping to find resources -- began mocking the names that Dickens had chosen for the babies: JaMir Amare, a boy, and his sisters, Si'ani Ritay, NaRae Dimetria, Jade Na'Liyah and Rayne Anye...
To make matters worse, Davis was laid off from his job at the warehouse. He wants to work, but to look for a job he'd have to leave Dickens home alone with the babies. The Davis Quintuplet Fund was set up by the University of Maryland Medical Center at M&T Bank, 22 South Green St., Baltimore, Md., 21201. But less than $1,000 has been donated so far, mostly by a small circle of family and friends."
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This is sad but not surprising.
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