Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Don't Be Afraid...

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Many people I run across are unhappy in their lives. They have created elaborate webs...safety nets that involve using other people to take care of their emotional needs. They are sometimes dishonest with themselves, and most times dishonest with others that they attempt to leech off of. Why don't some realize that the webs, the lies, the scheming and the manipulation they use and create no longer work for them? Maybe it's because disharmony with ones self has become the norm. I have a friend who is crashing emotionally because she will not seek professional help to take care of herself.

Taking care of ones self involves first being aware that you need help. It's not fair to rely on other people to take care of our emotional needs. It's not fair to use others for our own selfish gains and give very little in return. Dis-ease shows up for a reason. If we do not address what the dis-ease is attempting to alert us to, the dis-ease can grow to a full blown DISEASE.

Don't be afraid to grow. Don't allow fear to prevent you from having a better life. Stagnancy harms us. Everything is in constant motion. Science tells us that... We are going against nature when we attempt to remain "unchanged" and stay the same.

It's not easy to do things that we fear, but we can't allow the fear to paralyze us.

I love the process of self-discovery. I love challenging myself to do things that I am afraid to do. Everyone doesn't share that love. Some would rather hide and run from themselves and their problems. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. There is nothing wrong with taking a look at our lives and evaluating what does and doesn't work for us.

Every since I can remember I've always sought to understand why I did/do what I do. I wanted to understand why I had certain people in my life when they brought me pain. I wanted to love myself. Not only in word, but in deed.

Examine your life honestly. Ask yourself tough questions. Seek to know and understand the answers to those questions. And once you understand the why, the who, the what, the where, do something to make your life better. It may involve cutting all ties with people who don't honor you. We all know how it is to be around people who make us feel awfull when we are around them. Are you one of those people because you are overly needed or leechy?

Who are you if thepeople you've built your identity around leave you? Co-dependency is a bitch. It's easy to continue on life's treadmill of sameness and certainty. It's harder to challenge ourselves and take the "road less travelled".

Take care of yourself. Not just your physical self, but your emotional and spiritual self as well. No one can carry you emotionally, but people can support you in your process of recovery. I can no longer be a party to your dependence while you do very little to take care of yourself. Don't be afraid...Have faith! Be faith! Have the courage to live more fully. Have the courage to be happy and experience joy. It's not easy, but it is do-able!


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