For some reason I feel the need to be close to Bob. So I put on the Bob Marley The Legend Live DVD recorded November 25, 1979 in Santa Barbara. Maybe it was after watching prince and oprah and barack and stevie and jamie and ozzie on the naacp image awards that I felt the Creator's breath inspiring me through the personal achievements of others. I recorded the image awards show that aired a couple of weeks ago. Prince was the main reason I recorded it.
The time I've been here on the Earth has been short, 34 years...not long at all. Each day I feel and know how blessed I am. There are so many who aren't here, like bob, who died at 36 years of age in 1981. I was 11 years old. I had no real awareness of bob until my little brother, 3 years younger than I, went to college, started growing dreads and perfecting his guitar skills. Through his search for self I discovered Bob. We were saturated with his energy captured on cassette tapes and videos and albums and cd's. Together we read about his life and we infected by his music. Although dubbed Reggae, to me his music is the ultimate 'soul' music. It touches the core of me. It reminds me of "purpose". It reminds me that we all have a place, a space, a destiny...we all have something to offer.
In these days and times we manufacture, package and sell that which will bring us monetary gain. The soul is missing. The vital life force is absent from many things today. Not just in music or entertainment, but across the board. We teach children to standardized tests and as a result teachers have to teach to the test. Teaching is no longer enjoyable for many, it's a chore with more and more paper work to complete. The yard stick to measure success is the numerical score or percentage that met the benchmark. In entertainment it's the numerical score of the dollar. The transformation of lives and minds can no longer be factored in to the equation. Teachers now teach those who are already interested in learning. They don't have time to try to capture the interest and minds of the child for whom learning is secondary to the spirit of survivalism-eating, safety, sleep...basic needs and resources that many of us take for granted. So, their not being able to reach the student is interpreted as the child and the parents do not care.
All of us want to do well. All of us want to be successfull. All of us want better lives and circumstances for ourselves and our loved ones. There are many things that we must overcome personally and globally to achieve the success we seek.
What is inspiring to us these days? Are we lacking inspiration? What will happen when all the trees are cut down to build more houses, to expand highways to accommodate the more cars that we drive that increase pollution and prolong our commutes which creates more stress with less time to spend with our families?
Mind Rambles
So, I felt the need to be with bob tonight. I wanted to feel his energy. I wanted to renew my inspiration. I'm tired of "longing" and not realizing that I already "have". I have grown tired of wanting to bask in the light of another and not realizing my own. There is a bit of idol worship that typical of those who don't really, truly know themselves. To know yourself is to know others. I have realized that every person I meet is a different expression of myself manifested uniquely in that person. I can sense greed in others because I have known the feeling in myself. the same for envy and love and prejudice and acceptance. The better I know myself the better I know you. Each person I meet imparts a piece/peace of themselves to me.
I recollect/re-collect myself.
I am realizing how much I love people. I realize that I enjoy very much sharing myself with them. There are some days when I'm not sure how much of me to share. There are days when I can't accept all that others want to give to and receive from me. Although I try not to label/judge traits as good and bad, I sometimes can't stand the fact that I am shy when I first meet others. I guess I can look at is being my authentic self and be proud of that because to be any other way would not be me.
Again, Mind Rambles
I have decided that I will buy a drum set, which I've always wanted since I was a child. My excuse has always been that I have no space for it, but now that I've purchased a home that's not the case anymore. I can rearrange and get rid of some of the boxes that I have not opened since they were packed a year and half ago to make a home for my dream to materialize.
I have always oved the drum. I've been using my hands to beat on things since I was a child. As a toddler my drums were the pots and pans under the kitchen sink. Although the affinity for the drum has been there since I can remember, it would be hard for one growing up in the DC area to not be moved by the drum so prominently spotlighted in GO-GO music. I beat on tables and walls and desks until middle school. That's when I became a member of the school band and played percussion instruments. The band director eventually had me playing the bells and xylophone. While it took me away from the drum, it did give me the opportunity to learn to read music. I remember playing the theme music to Chariots of Fire and the love song from Superman. I wanted to be a conductor of a band. I used straws and pencils and every other pointed object to conduct songs I heard on the radio. I learned to hear and listen to and appreciate the different parts that created the whole. I stopped playing in the band after we moved and I changed schools. I tried to stick with it but I wasn't feeling the new schools band. I also found it more difficult to concentrate, which I needed to do in order to practice. There was so much happening at home. I didn't have the energy or the focus to shift gears and divide my attentions. I needed a lot that I didn't get from home emotionally.
So, I will take my dream out of a deferred status. I have the passion. I need to train and coordinate my muscles. The only practice I've had is in the car, but that's not the ideal situation because you can't time the kick drum heard on the radio with the flow of traffic...The brake is the kick drum.
From Bob Marley and inspiration to the kick drum... Rhythm, vibration, pulse, keeping time when time doesn't exist...timeless, Africa, Ntu-the Universal Life Force
And I wish I could synchronize all of my emotions and thoughts sometimes, but life's not like that. There's so much happening all of the time on so many different levels. And sometimes those of us who can't filter it feel mad. Some say genius, some say scattered, others...ADHD, inattentive type. At some time or another, I've been all of that.
mind ramblings