Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sun-Day Morning

Sunday morning, how are you?

I am swell, excited about today's possibilities. Excited about the new person I will meet with my eyes. The smile I will capture in my heart. The wonderfull sounds of spring, of Earth and Nature waking up from it's slumber. We've been in hibernation mode for several months. We've had more dark days than light. We've turned inward, and now the Sun draws us out.

Tonight's the L-Word. I'm looking forward to seeing what the deal is with Shane and ALice and Dana. I love the interaction between the characters of Alice and Dana. I reminds me of a piece, a peace of heaven.

Nothing lasts forever, so let's savor what we do have. If you aren't happy with what you have, with how you feel, who you are, choose something different from what you've created up to this point. The lovely thing about being who we are is that we can pick and choose what we focus our attentions on. Never let your "will" be enslaved by and subjected to the treadmill of habit and mediocrity. Your dream does not have to mimic my dream or anyone elses in order to be great, right or fit for you. We often use money and fame to measure success. Believe me when I say this, while it may feel good and boost our esteem, it ain't shit in the grand scheme of things. The teacher, the secretary, the janitor, the mother, the bus driver...the people who go unnoticed, but possess more Soul and Spirit and Wisdom than most should be acknowledged. No one is better than anyone else. But in our minds we've elevated ourselves and others and diminished the value of others who aren't like us.

COnfidence isn't a bad word. Improve your esteem. I learned from Henry Gregory of Progessive Life Center, one of my many mentors, that as therapists we should always be working on something within ourselves. Our growth, my growth, your growth extends over to all who come in to contact with you, intimately and casually.

Enough writing for now...I must prepare to boost my serotonin levels in the Sun.

Go Love Something/someone! Hug an idea, a tree, a baby, your self, your loved ones... Just go BE!!!!! Have fun today!!!! Love!


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