Gut Feelings and other Friday Thoughts
At first it takes practice to filter out what your mind says and the voices of others that masquerade as your own in your head. The gut, the's really real. Learn to trust it...
Practice makes perfect...
Who rushes to stand in front of the Judge when they know that the judge knows that they being less than honest? Who can admit truth to another when they can't admit it to themselves? Who is willing to stand in life's kiln of fire to be stripped down to their lowest common denominator and essence? You always know your truth, and sometimes the truth of others...
"I'm sorry", "I am/was wrong", "I don't know" are phrase that you should never be ashamed to admit. Actions speak for you...Act justly. Be just.
They say silence is golden. Why is that? Because listening proves more beneficial than talking and running the mouth. Who's feet do you sit at, or are you self-taught? Children cannot teach themselves.
My desire for a perfect world are sometimes selfish requests for an externally peacefull environment that doesn't exist within me. I am living from the outside in...and some days my peace is found within and the light within shines so bright that it blinds the Sun.
Honesty is not easy for all. As Lauryn says (not quoted word for word) "they lie to God too, so what makes you think they won't lie to you?" Monitor your expectations of others. Monitor your inclination to place others up high (higher than you). If anything is elevated, or worthy of praise, give it to the that which is ultimate worthy and due all the praise and honor... The energy source that flows through you. That's all this is...we are manifestations. Take no credit for yourself...take no credit for yourself.
Liberation isn't free. Free-dome isn't free. It's a struggle to take control of your mind and your emotions. And I still struggle. I have not arrived...this journey is not over. I keep rising. We keep rising as high as we are willing to go. Unloose the cord that ties you...undo the chains that bind you. And my gut check said be pleased, you knew...
Establish meaningfull connections with others. Establish meaningfull bonds. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. Work for what you have. Shed tears for it, dedicate your life to it. And if you are a user. Be honest. Say that! It's okay... The truth is already known...they just didn't tell you.
The truth is known...
and it doesn't always have to be spoken aloud... it is whether you acknowledge it or not. If you turned you back on the Sun tomorrow, it will still rise... Your creations do what you've created them to do. What are you creating in your friendships, acquaintances, bonds, words, deeds, trusts? Where are those people who keep you honest? Find them! You need them.