Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Boing Boing: Black people loot, white people find?

Boing Boing: Black people loot, white people find?: "Flickr user dustin3000 uploads two similar news photos that show flood victims in New Orleans wading in chest-deep water. In each, a person appears to be dragging a bag or box or two of food or beverages."


I just listened to this guy address the nation, our nation. I can't believe it... Our nation is having a national disaster and he tours San Diego yesterday talking about the war in Iraq and terrorism. The media Talking about him cutting his vacation short... How about cancelling, clearing your whole agenda to be in touch with local, state and federal official to reinforce plans that should have been in place already? Everyone knew that New Orleans is below sea level. Everyone knows that the levee systems was not fool proof. Like a puppet, emotionless, no genuine sense of empathy-he reads his speech. If nothing more, Mr. Bush, ACT like you give a damn! This guy disgusts me!


There are three baby showers for coworkers today, and while I want to support them in welcoming their little ones they have more than enough already. When I look at the television at the loss and devastation; people without basic resources...I'd rather send my money to them. I'd rather help someone eat and rebuild their lives rather than buy another piece of clothing that the little one really doesn't need, or will grow out of next month. I know the little ones don't care. They are fine as long as their mommies feed them, change their diapers, and hold them close. I've seen real poverty with my own eyes in Ghana, West Africa. In general, even our poorest have more than enough compared to other countries. And now some of our poorest along the gulf coast are dealing with situations comparable to war torn countries. With the loss of loved ones who disappear in an instant, who can tell them that the war in Iraq is more important than their plight? Who can tell them that others have it worse off?

I can't stop thinking about Mr. Harvey Jackson...God, please comfort him and the countless others.

Bush, Where are you?

Maybe i missed the news clip, why hasn't the president given this national emergency in the gulf the same attention he gives FL when hurricanes hit. Why do I keep expecting more of this guy?

This is a National emergency!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Please, please, please comfort those impacted by the hurricane. Right now, many have nothing left but their faith and their hope. Sustain them God. Surround them in your light and your love. Surround Mr. Harvey Jackson and the thousands of others like him in your love and light. God, help us find it in ourselves to love, to give, and to lift each other up in prayer. Please comfort all!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Today, as I went about my errands, I realized that I was out looking for what. I was out looking for what would extend, expand this feeling of hopefullness that I have inside. It seems that we are all looking for something to feel hopefull about. Maybe you've found it, but does it last? How do you sustain hope? What do we look forward to? What keeps you hopefull? Things look and feel dark and dismal when hope is no where in sight, or the Sun has set on our hope. In my own life, I am examining what keeps me hopefull, when and why do I at times feel hopeless, and how can my hope be sustained.

It is ever important that I sustain hope. The work that I do requires it. As a social worker, helper, healer there is always a tug, a drain, a pull on my energies. No matter how positive I stay in thought, I am always asked to step outside of that realm to embrace the idea, the notion that someone needs help solving a problem. At work, no one seeks me out because things are going well. I'm not complaining. This is my work; we chose each other. But I must replenish. We all must replenish because let's face it, few of us love our jobs and get re-energized by them. That's the first problem...We don't like the jobs we've chosen. We must not forget that we've chosen our jobs. So, for whatever reason we've chosen it, let's celebrate that! It is a job. It pays you something, right? Jobs are a means to an end. We get money to get other things we want, desire and need, right? Let's be thankfull for that!

I know that I am a communal person. I need to commune. Relating is important for me, so at my jobs I must commune with others of like minds, like energy. That improves my outlook on things. We often forget that we have to build and create the lives we want. I know that I didn't get that for a while. Sometimes we expect a relationship or a job to satisfy ALL of our needs. Rarely does that happen. Create the life you want. Create the life you need. Nothing is impossible. The belief that anything isn't possible is one of our problems. If George W. Bush can be president of the United States of America, then ANYTHING is possible! Take inventory! What do you enjoy doing? What brings you joy, peace? How can you bring that into your everyday life at work and at home? Take the necessary steps to create and bring what you need to you. Belief, thoughts, hopefullness that it is possible are all important elements to creating the life, the peace, the hope we need.

Well, these are just my thoughts on hope today while the MTV awards play in the background. I want to expand on the idea, the feeling, this notion of hope.

Tomorrow is my first day back at work after a month long hiatus. I am looking forward to returning. I am feeling that I have more to bring to it, more to give. We always say we want challenges and changes, but we rarely want the challenges we are faces with each day. We create our lives. We choose. Where I am I chose! I am always free to choose something else. We talk ourselves into narrowing our choices without realizing that that's what we've done. I am choosing to consciously create the life I want.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday, A Good Day

Can you feel the days grow shorter? Can you feel the Sun inching a little closer away? Maybe it's in my head...I've been on this academic calendar since I was born. September is the beginning of my year. January usually feels like my middle of the year. With the seasons there are always memories and remembrances of transitions. Comings and goings. I never really did well with change. Although it was my constant, I always felt a sense of insecurity, uneasiness, unsteadiness around this time. I have learned that the more stability I have in my internal world the less I am effected by the changes around me. This week, my last of four weeks off, I've spent the time organizing my things and creating the structure I require to do my job. It is a rarity, but I am looking forward to going to work and working with children, teachers, and families.

The ABPsi conference rejuvenated me again. Miami rejuvenated me. Getting married (yes, I married last Friday) has calmed me. I feel a sense of peace that I didn't know existed for me. Finally making a move, making the decision, and doing it freed up enough energy to power an large electrical device,

It's no fun being stuck. Limbo has it's purpose, but rarely is it a desired state. Rarely is it something we strive for unless the options that await us are hell vs. hell. As humans we often adapt and rationalize who, what and where we are. Sometimes you can't really say who you are until you can experience the absence of this state or that title. Moving on is liberating. Freeing ourselves of our burdens, real or imagined, is liberating.

You shall know them by their fruit. Remember, remember, remember that! Forget what they say. Pay attention to what they do! Expect the best from others, and don't be ashamed to let them know that you expect the best from them.

don Miguel Ruiz's words are always a great reminder to me. The Four Agreements...I love them. 1). Be Impeccable With Your Word. 2). DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY.
3). Don't Make Assumptions. 4). Always Do Your Best.

Allow others the room and space to be and show you who they are, and when they do show you by all means listen to them. Don't try to convince yourself that what you are seeing and experiencing isn't their truth at that moment in time. Accept what is, even if the what is is "not now". Confusing? maybe. Don't let it be...

Remember that everything that you give power to, you can take your power away from. Don't underestimate the power of your attention, your energy.

Remember that the Millions More Movement is not a march. A lot of people discuss it as if it is a march. Get more information from someone in your local area. If all else fails go to your local Nation of Islam mosque, or go to, or Get the information for yourself, don't rely on another's interpretation of it.

Please read. READ. READ. READ. A couple of generations ago it was against the law for black people to learn to read in the United States. I read an excerpt from a friends speech, Dr. Na'im Akbar, posted on another site where he reminded his audience that black people were not meant to be more than slaves here in the United States.

We are what we are in the United States because our fore- mothers and fathers demanded equality. They fought for it. They died for it. The bled for it and shed tears for it. They were attacked by dogs, and had powerfull waterhoses sprayed on them. And all many of our children want to do today is rap, sing, dance, and play ball and video games.

Make reading a priority in your homes. You can't tell your children to read and you go off and do something other than read. They know you by your fruit, your actions, your manifestations. Read with your children. A counselor at one of my schools refers to it as DEAR time. Drop Everything And Read time. We have to make reading a priority. We have to write books that our children want to read. Let's work on included. I'm thinking of volunteering my time to read with children...more on that later. We have adults, college students who don't read. It's not about the grade. Reading is key to our survival as a people, as a culture. Let's read things of substance. Fiction is okay. There is nothing wrong with fiction. But let's not forget our history, science, and other cultures of the world.

I've really been slacking in the exercise department. I have no justifiable excuse. I like being outside working in the yard, but there's only so much that can be done to a lawn (lol). Although, I sweat bullets when I'm out there. I need to go back out there and talk to my new grass that's growing. I want them to know that I am so happy to see them growing. i think my attention will help them feel welcomed and grow even more. Let's hope there's some truth in that. My lawn is healing. That's the nicest thing I can say about it right now.

Peace. Live well.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

An Open Letter on the Millions More Movement

An Open Letter on the Millions More Movement: "I cannot fault a Christian pastor for standing on his platform to preach what he believes, nor a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or a member of any religious or political party. All of us must be true to what we earnestly believe. I cannot fault a gay or lesbian person who stands on their platform to preach what they believe of self and how the world should view them. Although what we say on our platform may, in some way, be offensive to others, we must not allow painful utterances of the past or present, based on sincere belief, or based on our ignorance, or based on our ideology or philosophy to cripple a movement that deserves and needs all of us—and, when I say all, I mean all of us. We must begin to work together to lift our people out of the miserable and wretched condition in which we find ourselves."
Link Nation and World: Pat Robertson talks foreign policy (8/24/05) Nation and World: Pat Robertson talks foreign policy (8/24/05): "His later remarks on Wednesday asked, 'Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement.' However, earlier Wednesday on his program, Robertson explained that ''take him out' can be a number of things, including kidnapping; there are a number of ways to take out a dictator from power besides killing him.' Robertson's spokesperson did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

Robertson's original commentary on Monday's '700 Club,' as transcribed by the Associated Press, went like this: 'You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he [Chavez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop.' Robertson, 75, went on: 'We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.'

Chavez, whom the administration has accused of undemocratic actions, compared Robertson and other critics to 'rather mad dogs with rabies.' In the past, Chavez has alleged that the administration supported a failed coup in 2002. Chavez is a leading Latin American critic of Bush and the U.S.-led war in Iraq and has allied himself with Cuba's Fidel Castro."

A History to Remember by Rose Sanders - Education Rights / In Motion Magazine

A History to Remember by Rose Sanders - Education Rights / In Motion Magazine: "It was against the law for black children to read during slavery. Today, we hear a lot of talk about law and order. Well, back then, the slave Codes were the law and slavery was the order. the Codes required blacks to be punished like criminals for being likely to rebel against the order of slavery. A slave who could not read or write was less likely to run away or think for himself or her self. In spite of the Codes, some slaves like Frederick Douglass secretly learned to read and write better than their slave masters. "

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sunday Free Flowing Thoughts

Can't remember when I jumped on this band wagon...Can't remember when I jumped off.
Can't understand what all the hoop-la is about when the thing or person you worship doesn't worship you in return. How can you be king or queen with no dominion to rule over your self? How is it that with you I can't be the star of my own show? When you stepped on the scene your coming was purposefull. Now, what? Move on... I love the song by Soul II Soul that says "Keep on moving. Don't stop like the hands of time. Click Clock. Find your own way to stay. The time will come one day. Why do people choose to live their lives this way?"

You are the star of your own show. You are the center of the universe of you. We are constellations surrounding the other... interacting, touching at times, influencing each other. Never let anyone make you feel otherwise.

There are no either or's. This or that... except at the moment when you believe that only one thing can occupy a space, a choice...Weakness doesn't exist without strength. You are no either strong or weak, you are both, you are all and every gradation between and beyond.

When you realize that your spirit can soar and plummet just like mine you realize how connected we are. There is no one superstar, no one super nova, no one good girl, no one bad group or people have a monopoly on anything. You are it. You are all. We are all. Why show me only your best foot when I know you have a bad foot too? Controlling anything including the image we project to others takes so much energy that could be better spent elsewhere.

Everything has purpose. There are no mistakes. Mistake is an interpretation.

I used to "think" that I knew everything. That I was wise beyond my years for one my age, but that was all in my head...thoughts, perceptions... I intellectualized just about everything and didn't realize until much later that I cut off my feeling dimension. I knew what to say, but had less experience with feeling. I had become numb at an early age. A survival tactic I perfected while living in a home where violence was commonplace. Wisdom comes with living, being, time, experience. It was lip service at an early age. Wisdom un-experienced, un-applied is theory. I learned that. I am learning that.

The absence of a thing doesn't denote mastery. What am I saying? Who demonstrates more mastery in a situation? The man who has never tried crack, but professes strength, or the man who relapsed three times in five years?

Be very mindfull who who what you make your gods. Realize when you've given your power away to something else. Always know you can recover you power, your strength. Weakness is an illusion, an interpretation. So is strength. Cause and effect is a universal law. If you don't like the effect check the cause. If you don't like the cause, check the effect.

You already have the answers to your questions. Be still. Stop saying you don't know and listen to your gut. Others only provide reminders, opportunities to jump start your memory (including memories you are not conscious of anymore).

Be as great as you are! If you didn't know, now you know! Be respectfull. Command respect. Be loving. Don't use others. Don't let others use you. Make all your exchanges meaningfull. You are interacting with gods and goddesses. We can create heaven on earth, but we must stop reacting and purposefully create the reality of our lives.

If you keep hearing the same thing about yourself, positive or negative, whatever it is...examine it. Look at it more closely.

Most importantly, LIVE! Go out and live. Interact with real people. Learn about, remember who you are, get introduced to the you that you never knew before this person or that person came into your life to make it manifest.

YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS, NOT THEIR WORDS. Look at their fruits. Look at your fruits. Their manifestations. Your manifestations.

I am so Thankfull for the people in my life who love, nurture and sustain me. I am also thankfull for those who appear to be the opposite of those who love, nurture and sustain me. I am thankfull for those who respect and love others in their actions not because they must but because it's correct action. It promote love, self-worth and dignity in self and others. I am thankfull for my brothers and sisters who are on the forefront of liberating the African mind and spirit. The chains and images of psychological slavery are real. Each day we must be vigilant in our efforts to protect, nurture and free our minds, our bodies, our spirits.

Many of our children and we adults are caught in the glitz and glamour of show business. We do not realize that the images that are project are manufactured like particle board. MAN-U-FACTURED...Man made. Man created. The art, the business, the psychology of selling and image so that you can part with your money and your soul..., but mainly your money IS big business.

Yesterday, I told my 17 year old nephew to always be mindfull of making "emotional purchases". When you feel as though you HAVE to have something, take a step back and always be willing to walk away from a purchase. So many of us are unhappy marketing and consumerism capitalizes on that unhappiness. And we believe that we will be happy if we had this thing or that thing. Believe me, the fix is temporary. Band-aids do little for broken legs, hearts and spirits. Over the counter and street medications/drugs only treat the symptoms. They do not provide the cure. Medicine is a business. Healing is a calling... As a social worker, helper, healer, I do not foster dependence on myself, although, some do. That has never been something I wanted to do. Yes, I have wanted to escape too, and sometimes I do. I have spent money that I didn't have and wasn't happy about paying back. But I am less inclined to do so when I examine what I am trying to accomplish. My needs rarely exceed the, air, water, clothing to stay warm, love... My choices need to reflect what bring and creates a healthy body and mind. We often spend our money on things that take away from our health. Why? We believe that our cell phones are a necessity these days. Why? I felt much better psychologically without one. We confuse convenience with necessity. Or, is it another illusion we've literally bought into?

Consciousness. Study the word consciousness.

Peace, Love, and all theLight and vitamin D your heart, mind and body can receive.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Wake Up And Live Lyrics /Bob Marley

Lyric Mole - BOB MARLEY - Wake Up And Live Lyrics: "BOB MARLEY

Wake Up And Live

One, two, three, four!
Wake up and live, y'all,
Wake up and live!
Wake up and live now!
Wake up and live!
Life is one big road with lots of signs,
So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind:
Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy!
Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality, yeah!
All together now:
Rise ye mighty people, ye-ah!
There's work to be done,
So let's do it-a little by little:
Rise from your sleepless slumber! Yes, yeah! Yes, yeah!
We're more than sand on the seashore,
We're more than numbers.
All together now:
Wake up and live now, y'all!
Wake up and live, y'all!
You see, one - one cocoa full a basket,
Whey they use you live big today: tomorrow you buried in-a casket.
One - one cocoa full a basket, yeah, yes!
Whey they use you live big today: tomorrow you bury in-a casket.
W'all together now:
Come on, man!
How is it feelin' over there?
Come on, man!
You gotta wake up and live!
Life is one big road with lots of signs, yes!
So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind:
Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy!
Don't bury your thoughts; put your dream to reality, yeah!
W'all together now:
Wake up and live now!
Wake up and live now!
Wake up and live"

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Here I come! Darn, it seems I never get sleep before I go on vacation. I just finished packing a little bit ago. I tried to pack only one ambitious endeavor I must admit. I hate lugging suitcases between hotel and air port. I like to travel light, but Miami will be home for the next 9 days including on my birthday, August 9th! I won't say how old I'll be, but hopefully I'll be partying like it's 19- 90 ummm, anyway I am looking forward to have a great, great time.

I pray for safe travels. I pray for no hurricanes. I pray for peace in the middle east... Okay, I'm really tired. If I don't try to get some sleep now, I'll be up for over 24 hours.

Not sure if I'll be blogging while I'm away. It'd be nice to keep a blog journal of my travels and the Association of Black Psychology conference, but internet access can cost so much away from home that I might be armless and legless. I'll enjoy the Sun and Fun and maybe a blog or two from the telephone. My paper and pen journal will suffice. Hopefully I can get some reading done too.

Remember everybody, no hurricanes while I'm away! And space shuttle astronauts, I pray that you return to Earth safely!


Friday, August 05, 2005

Floetry Family

I miss you guys! We had some good times that were "real"! You've seen me post these sentiments in the past and I'll say it again... I met a ME that I didn't know existed before YOU. Blessings to everyone! Thanks for the continued love and support.

BG :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I am truly blessed to have such a wonderfull man in my life. There have been times when I did not appreciate him as much as I do now. We have definitely grown through many trials, up and downs. We've hung in there with each other.

When I am down he brings me cards and flowers and candies wrapped in gift bags. One day he came home with about five bouquets of flowers because I was a little sad. He has loved me from the beginning...There were times when we couldn't interpret the others language. There were times when my ungrounded nature had us not knowing where we stood with each other. There were times when our places and spaces of personal development didn't jibe with each other. There were times when I resisted being the nurturer because I needed nurturing and we reacted to each others moments of chaos and insanity. Yes, we've had our moments and our times. Through it all we're hanging in there til we reach what Stevie called our "Higher Ground".

It really isn't about possession, although many want to possess. It really isn't about happily ever after, only we can make that for one else! It's about friendship and liking and loving each other and commitment to be there to support each other through the other's sh*t. That can't happen if you hate or dislike your spouse or mate. It takes time and energy to get to know people...really know people. It takes accepting them as divine creations that are perfect in their imperfections. Isn't that what we want? Acceptance and unconditional love. Yes, there has to be a common interest and bond. And, it may not always be the same thing year after year.

Well, I just had an impromptu moment to share how blessed I am to have a partner, a friend who loves me for me. He's great! I'm blessed!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"Everybody Got A Little Light Under The Sun"

Yep, yep! George Clinton...P-Funk! Talk about inspiration laced in Funk! How can I give it to you to help you digest it? People, your story is just as important as anybody elses story. Your dream is just as valuable and profound. Your being present, our presence is inspirational and miraculous. I thank God, myself, my ancestors, my parents, my friends and my enemies for this day. I thank them/us all for me being who I am. I am thankfull for my story, my vision, my trials, my triumphs...Many of us look to others and their stories as having more meaning and more value than ours. Hey, it ain't so! It isn't so! That's not the way it is!

Yes, sometimes we get caught up in the drama and comedy of other people's lives. The television, the radio, the magazines...everywhere, everything is telling you to embrace something and somebody else. WHY? Usually for a profit, to sell a product and increase their bottom line. The psychology of selling...Hey, you need to know it, understand. Parliament did a song called Funkentelechy...One of my favorite phrases of all time is from the song. It says, "Mind you wants 'cause there's someone that wants your mind".

One day I'll post that song. Like P-Funk, it's the bomb!

I've developed an aversion to fanaticism in all forms. To buying and investing (financial, energetically, and emotionally) into the reality and future of another while your desires, wants and dreams are on hold or nonexistent. Relationship... What is it? I will not define it here. But whenever you are giving of yourself in any way, while it can't be matched ounce for ounce, pound for pound, make sure you are receiving while you give. If it's not balanced, reconsider! If you can't be honest...If you can't have input...Reconsider! Reevaluate! Sometimes we think so little of ourselves that we take scraps. We allow others to play with us for their musing. You deserve too!

What do you want? Even if you don't know for sure understand that you get what you expect! Nothing less!

Go Live! Create your own stories...Go Live, and while you're at it, enjoy being!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Doing Nothing

My first day off and I've been on the net all day! I can't do this...I gotta get up out of here, or at least off this computer! I don't know why I have such a hard time doing nothing. Why is it so tough operating without an agenda? I don't have to go to work or school, or anywhere. I can stay up as late as I want to without being concerned about being tired in the morning. And, I wanna make myself get up and do something constructive. What that is right now I have no idea. I guess I am still unwinding.

I wish that there was some yard work that I could do. I could get some grass seeds to sow, but I don't feel like it. LOL Let me just rest, relax and breathe more deeply. It's a shame...some people have to learn and practice the art of chilling. I'm one of those folks today. It's all good though. When I perfect this it will be time to go back to work. Hopefully that won't be the case.

Some Black Preachers Embrace Homosexuality - Yahoo! News

Some Black Preachers Embrace Homosexuality - Yahoo! News: "By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 34 minutes ago

NEW YORK - The words that the Rev. James A. Forbes chose to share with the roomful of black gay and lesbian faithful might have come straight from the civil rights struggles of the 1960s. Forbes reminded his listeners that discrimination has no place in this world and urged them to lay down the notion put forward by some black ministers that they are less favored by God.

'Your job is to get up every day and be grateful to God for your DNA,' Forbes said. 'It took an artist divine to make this design!'

Forbes, senior minister at the Riverside Church, was among several religious leaders and politicians who attended a revival meeting Sunday aimed at countering what organizers said was a surge in anti-gay rhetoric coming from pulpits in conservative parishes.

The program for the event bore the pictures of 10 black men and women who were murdered, or severely injured, in recent years in attacks believed to have been motivated by their sexual orientation.

Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields likened the treatment of homosexuals today to the discrimination she faced growing up black in the old South, and Arun Gandhi, a grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, drew parallels to the repression once experienced by nonwhite citizens in South Africa.

Religious conservatives have chafed at similar comparisons between the gay rights movement, and civil rights struggles of the past.

The issue has been an especially sensitive one in some predominantly black congregations, where pastors have maintained that homosexuality is a sin or a social disorder that should not be compared with race or ethnicity.

Last winter, hundreds of black clergy attended summits aimed at opposing gay marriage held in cities across the country. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s youngest daughter even led a march through Atlanta... "
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