Wednesday, August 31, 2005


There are three baby showers for coworkers today, and while I want to support them in welcoming their little ones they have more than enough already. When I look at the television at the loss and devastation; people without basic resources...I'd rather send my money to them. I'd rather help someone eat and rebuild their lives rather than buy another piece of clothing that the little one really doesn't need, or will grow out of next month. I know the little ones don't care. They are fine as long as their mommies feed them, change their diapers, and hold them close. I've seen real poverty with my own eyes in Ghana, West Africa. In general, even our poorest have more than enough compared to other countries. And now some of our poorest along the gulf coast are dealing with situations comparable to war torn countries. With the loss of loved ones who disappear in an instant, who can tell them that the war in Iraq is more important than their plight? Who can tell them that others have it worse off?

I can't stop thinking about Mr. Harvey Jackson...God, please comfort him and the countless others.


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