Sunday, August 28, 2005


Today, as I went about my errands, I realized that I was out looking for what. I was out looking for what would extend, expand this feeling of hopefullness that I have inside. It seems that we are all looking for something to feel hopefull about. Maybe you've found it, but does it last? How do you sustain hope? What do we look forward to? What keeps you hopefull? Things look and feel dark and dismal when hope is no where in sight, or the Sun has set on our hope. In my own life, I am examining what keeps me hopefull, when and why do I at times feel hopeless, and how can my hope be sustained.

It is ever important that I sustain hope. The work that I do requires it. As a social worker, helper, healer there is always a tug, a drain, a pull on my energies. No matter how positive I stay in thought, I am always asked to step outside of that realm to embrace the idea, the notion that someone needs help solving a problem. At work, no one seeks me out because things are going well. I'm not complaining. This is my work; we chose each other. But I must replenish. We all must replenish because let's face it, few of us love our jobs and get re-energized by them. That's the first problem...We don't like the jobs we've chosen. We must not forget that we've chosen our jobs. So, for whatever reason we've chosen it, let's celebrate that! It is a job. It pays you something, right? Jobs are a means to an end. We get money to get other things we want, desire and need, right? Let's be thankfull for that!

I know that I am a communal person. I need to commune. Relating is important for me, so at my jobs I must commune with others of like minds, like energy. That improves my outlook on things. We often forget that we have to build and create the lives we want. I know that I didn't get that for a while. Sometimes we expect a relationship or a job to satisfy ALL of our needs. Rarely does that happen. Create the life you want. Create the life you need. Nothing is impossible. The belief that anything isn't possible is one of our problems. If George W. Bush can be president of the United States of America, then ANYTHING is possible! Take inventory! What do you enjoy doing? What brings you joy, peace? How can you bring that into your everyday life at work and at home? Take the necessary steps to create and bring what you need to you. Belief, thoughts, hopefullness that it is possible are all important elements to creating the life, the peace, the hope we need.

Well, these are just my thoughts on hope today while the MTV awards play in the background. I want to expand on the idea, the feeling, this notion of hope.

Tomorrow is my first day back at work after a month long hiatus. I am looking forward to returning. I am feeling that I have more to bring to it, more to give. We always say we want challenges and changes, but we rarely want the challenges we are faces with each day. We create our lives. We choose. Where I am I chose! I am always free to choose something else. We talk ourselves into narrowing our choices without realizing that that's what we've done. I am choosing to consciously create the life I want.



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