Sunday, October 24, 2004

"Do unto others..." or Personal Constitution?

Do U do unto others as they do unto U? Or, Do you have a personal constitution or Code of Conduct that U operate from? Sometimes people can treat us like shit...some are down right ABUSIVE in their speech, attitude and language towards others. Whether they are wronged or not, they retaliate against others...Sad that everything is a fight or confrontation but some actually perceive most interactions with others from a defensive posture/stance/view of life.

If I perceive that you have wronged me should I wrong you too? Should I attempt to hurt you they way I perceive that you hurt me? If we continue with a retaliatory posture would life, personal and global, would things ever change for the better.

I'm not talking about being a push over and allowing anyone to be disrespectFULL to anyone else. I am simply wondering if we think before we act and speak. And if we choose our responses to life situations and interactions with others.

We have all reacted to things. And most of us have a sense of how it is we want to be treated by others. Does our personal code of conduct reflect what we want? Do you have a personal code of conduct or Constitution? Ways of being that we operate from...

When negative cycles present themselves, Do we jump in and share our negativity? Or, are we the beacons of change, the cycle breakers, the bringers of positivity?

If Martin had not chosen the path of non-violence, what would have occurred during that time to forward the movement to civil rights. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and out-hated...If everyone for civil rights acted in an "eye for eye"- manner, would the movement have had the impact that it did. Many called Martin a punk...and say "I woulda..." Usually a remark about how they would have whooped somebodies a$$.
It's easy to react and fly off the handle. Curse someone because they curse you. Speak hateFULLy because they went there with you. But it requires a conscious man or woman to choose their reaction. To remember what there momma's, daddy's and grandparents taught them about respect. Yeah, I know many parents tell their kids "If they hit you, you hit them back". And many grow up in environments where self-defense is self preservation...

I'm just trying to say know when that's what's actually the case and not a default reaction of "Kill or be killed" that occurs without thinking even when we aren't in a situation that calls for that.

Someone being rude to you in line at the grocery store is not a combat situation...No need for the B-word doing somersaults out your mouth.

Someone expressing how they view the opinion... is not a combat situation.


MAKE A CHOICE's allowed!


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