Monday, October 18, 2004


THE ONLY FREE SPEECH IS THE SPEECH, THOUGHTS, IN YOUR HEAD...(AND WE PAY A PRICE FOR THAT TOO). The minute you say something that someone doesn't like the lynch mob comes after you. What is free speech? How free is it, speech, when you pay for it some how, some way? You lose acquaintances. Sometimes you lose your job...Is Speech free? Hell NO!

It happens in the United States and throughout the world all the time. If you say something of a truth that someone or some entity doesn't want exposed that you are discredited, shown to be illegitimate, a personal weakness is found or brought up or out to try to convince people of how bad you are and how you don't know what you are talking about...

We have many political prisoners today because they had a voice and they were saying something that was worth listening to AND people were listening.

People are banned from various countries because they, their words are viewed as a threat to National Security. They may disrupt the status quo...Examples- Minister Farrakahn is banned from visiting England, Michael Moore's speaking engagements at various college campuses were cancelled. Why? Why is their free speech not allowed?

This happens all the time, all over the place. People don't realize that the banning itself lends more credence to the cause of , to the words of the individual you are attempting to silence.


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