Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Have you ever met someone who always speaks as if everything is alright? Just perfect...They never let you see another side to them. They never let another see the uneasy side, the insecure side, the doubtFULL side...They seem and paint a picture that everything is perfect. That is usually a red flag for me...because nothing is always Great or perfect. Maybe perfect in it's imperfection but never perfect in the sense that chaos and confusion never visits them.

I think it's important that we trust others enough to be honest with them and ourselves. There is no arrival station, no destination. We are all in the process of becoming more than what we were yesterday. I am thankFULL that I have learned to trust others enough to show weakness, to show that I am not always a pillar of strength or faith. Sometimes I need others. I need guidance. I need compassion. I need help. I don't have all the answers. When we admit that we aren't perfect and that we need, we actually open the door for an answer to our silent and not so silent prayers.

The universe knows what we need and delivers. I am thankFULL for friends who've let me share my weaknesses with them. Friends who trust me with themselves as I am trusting them with me.


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