Thursday, October 28, 2004


Why you gotta be so negative? If I didn't have a strong sense of self, I'd be in trouble talking to you. You say very little to show respect...U have two modes love or hateration! You play with words..."Um just joking, why you so sensitive, can't take a joke..." Nah, I can't if it's you putting me down. Yeah, yeah, I know U are joking but if my ears only hear negative and I gotta slam U up against a wall for you to say I'm joking when I check to see if U serious.... and I rarely hear the positive from U, then what am I to think...

My subscious mind, the mind-field, plants/grows the seeds(words) that are planted (those things heard repeatedly). Lately, I'm paying the gardener overtime to guard the gate and tend the field of dreams against U. I have scarecrows scattered throughout trying to keep the negativity out. But you still creep in...Maybe that bag of seeds I scattered was mislabeled....

If I Rarely hear that which uplifts from your lips, why won't I think U bring me down, or help me feel mediocre? I'm not in to torture. I pick the loops and patterns I repeat. This path is worn, hard like cement...your heart. I'd rather walk in plush green grasses (alive, a live, a life -growing). I got enough fertilizer, I don't need your $hit too.

The jury is out, or are they in...U are negative. And I'm tired of hearing it, feeling it. What happened to what momma used to say, "If you don't have nothing good/positive to say, don't say nothing at all." Or, did I just make that up or spin off/add to the last memory I had of a similar statement? Anyway, U get the point.

(sigh)...ok, Just processing and releasing a reaction to someone that showed up in my space with some crap.


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