Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tomorrow Today Thoughts

I am so thankfull that tomorrow is Thursday, our last day before the Winter Break. I'm crawling to the finish line. The cases this week have been very intense, very emotional. Domestic violence, child physical and emotional abuse. Parents feeling pressure, lack, sadness that they don't have enough...Students acting out, not doing anything in school...parents keeping their children out of school because they need them to help them move about the house because of pain... And there's more.... Soooooo many in crisis, so many in pain. It's left me drained, so drained. I wish I was a construction worker right about now.

The work that I'm doing at this time is purposefull though. It's the helplessness that kind of gets me. I have to do all I can do and turn it over to others, Turn it over to God.

Today I'm observing myself. Paying attention to how bright and light I feel. At times, low... I'm so thankfull for the people in my life. They keep me going. I can't wait to see my brother. I can't wait to hug my nephews, laugh with my sister, and hear my mom tell how glad she is to see me. Having a place, having a role, having a function and knowing it means so much when things aren't going so well. The safety net, those that catch you... those that keep you from falling. Thank you!

Acupuncture was the best today. I caught myself right at the moment I was about to fall asleep. It was so relaxing today. I wish that I could have rented the room and slept until I was ready to go home. The commute woke me right on up! It took and hour and a half. That's not right! We gotta do something about the traffic...I don't see any hope in sight, unfortunately. They just keep building and building houses and no new roads. The roads they are working on take at least 5 years to build...

Assumptions... I don't want to make any. It's so tempting for all of us, but we must refrain. Got to!!!! I'm choosing the thought, choosing the reaction, choosing the feeling. Everything is relative. It's all relative.

Last night I dreamed about my bestest closest friend from graduate school. I haven't spoken to her in about a year and a half. In my dream, I saw her and started to cry. I felt close to her like Forrest and Jenny when they were kids. I'm sure it's still that way. It's just like that with some people. You catch up right where you left off without missing a beat.

There is no need for me to be afraid. No need for fear. My friend I spoke with earlier today ...There is no need for you to feel insecure. Challenge the feeling, confront it and tell yourself what to feel. It will all be fine. Just don't run away... I know that's the inclination. Observe it in yourself, and tell yourself what you are going to do.

Wow...sad penguins... a baby penguin is missing and the parents are moping. If someone stole the penguin please return it to the zoo.

Go Elton!!!!!

Maybe more ramblings later...


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