Monday, December 19, 2005

Today was my first day out since having my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. Valium and laughing gas are the BEST!!! If I didn't have appointments scheduled I probably would have stayed in an extra day. Today was fine though! We had a holiday luncheon at work...that was cool too! I love how nice people are this time of year!!!

I'm feeling a little tired now. I guess that happens after laying up for a weekend. You never really think about how much energy it takes to heal the body. I figured- the wisdom teeth?- zapping my energy? But the body, mind and spirit are constantly trying to maintain balance, homeostasis. The body must repair and get used to losing a part of itself. Yes, even little old wisdom teeth. Does that make me less wise, losing them? I still have the bottom ones, so maybe there's hope!

I probably need to rest up some more this evening. I want to get some reading in as well. I'm finding it difficult to focus at work. Maybe it's the time of year... no one is really too focused at work.

I am thankfull for love, loving and having people in my life that love me. I have never known what it is like to not be loved. It hasn't been a part of my experience. I sometimes feel lonely, but I always know that someone, many someones love me.

I pray that everyone creates the love they wish to have in their lives. Life is so wonderfull, even when it feels like it isn't so swell. We are so blessed to be here, sharing, giving, loving.
It's wonderfull!!! That is the feeling today. It could easily change tomorrow! Life, feeling, mood can be like that sometimes. I just have to remember what the truth is...what the constant is! The constant is I AM LOVED!!!


Blogger Blackgold said...

I am reminding myself of the same every day!!


8:14 PM  

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