Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Season of Giving

Giving...It is a great virtue. We must decide/choose how we can best give, what we will and can give. It can be material, emotional, energetic...This season of giving... Christmas, Christ-mas...does not have to be limited to December. It saddens me that this season, this time of year has become a great time of sadness and depression for many people. Mothers are sad because they don't have the material resources to buy their children "things". Others are sad because they are not with their families. We have the ability to make this and every holiday/holy- day exactly what we want it to be for us. We can create family whereever we are when family isn't near. We can choose to emphasize the meaning behind Christmas rather than the consumeristic commercialism it has become about. We are bombarded with the message that we must buy, buy, buy. We are actually setting our children and ourselves up when we adopt and practice this to an excessive degree. There is nothing wrong with giving gifts to others. It is a wonderfull gesture and give. Let's be conscious of the spirit that this season takes on. Christmas is not about amassing DEBT. (green for prosperity). IT's not about sadness and accumulating things. Give gifts with meaning. Give the gift of yourself...make something. Share your creativity. Write a song. Frame a beauty-FULL love poem for the one you love. Give of your time. Don't wait for December to be nice and loving. The Earth needs it year round.

Kwanzaa is a nice addition to this holiday season.

We have to put meaning and ritual back into our lives that reflect who we are and what we want to be.


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