Friday, September 02, 2005

It's not just a race thing. It's a class thing! It's alack of leadership in the White House.I wish that I could trust my own words and say "don't worry, it willbe okay", but I can't. We are all worried, scared and upset as wewatch, hear, and wait for the news to tell us what's what. I pray forthe safety of everyone who hasn't already perished.Let's use our anger, sadness, disbelief or whatever it is we arefeeling constructly. This affects all of us and we need to remind ourelected officials of that fact. This is not a New Orleans or aLouisiana problem. It's America's tragedy. We have to impress uponthe elected officials that they must make this a priority.I pray for comfort and peace and divine intervention! I've writtenall of my elected officials and I will probably write or call theelected officials in other states. We can no longer believe that weare exempt or untouchable. Our president strikes first because heknows that we have to get them before they get us. We can't handle adisaster. People laughed at and criticized those who stocked up onfood, water, batteries, etc. pre- 2k.Those who want to get back at and hurt the US are watching. They nowsee we can't handle it. I, like many others, bought into the myththat we are invincible. We aren't! The world sees that know. Don'tbelieve the hype. Our priorities need to shift. We can't just singand dance and think about having a good time. Our lives are at greatrisk under this presidents administration. People ask why do you blamBush? Why politicize this national tragedy? The sad truth is webelieve that this is consistent with the values of the Bushadministration. We don't believe that this is Our America. NewsFlash!!!! It is! If you didn't know this was in our country you'dthink you were watching images from countless countries in Africa!The media is calling them refugees. These are American citizens.These are the people who have made New Orleans New Orleans. These arethe people who make gumbo and jazz that we enjoy! Do not use wordsthat separate, distance and disconnect these family members from us.These are Americans, our family members who desperately seek refuge,not refugees in their own home land.


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