Jill Carroll; Will you buy it?
The government never sleeps. When they heard Jill speak against Bush and the war they said she must have Stockholm Syndrome. They believe that she made these statements under "duress". That leaves one with the impression that she didn't believe anything that she was saying in that last video. However, if I remember correctly, when Jill was captured initially her friends and family tried make the case for her release by saying that Jill understands their plight. She is there for good...to highlight the plight of the Iraqi people. They talked about how she respected and embraced their culture. I really got the impression from their words/comments that Jill was an Iraqi sympathizer. Now when she states it, she must have Stockholm syndrome? B*llSh*t!!!!!!!! to the 20th power!!!
Don't believe the hype!!!
There is a lot at risk her for the Bush administration. They are attempting to gain support for the war. They MUST control what people think about this white woman. They must control the image and the words... So, they will sell us what they want us to have/believe.
Will you buy it?
Don't believe the hype!!!
There is a lot at risk her for the Bush administration. They are attempting to gain support for the war. They MUST control what people think about this white woman. They must control the image and the words... So, they will sell us what they want us to have/believe.
Will you buy it?
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