Sunday, December 11, 2005

This may explain some things...

An excerpt from an email I received from

"Dear ...,

Mercury, the communications planet, has come out of its three week "retrograde" phase (when it was moving backwards across our sky) and is moving forward again. Whenever Mercury shifts course, we feel it... and when it goes "direct" like it is now, interacting with others starts flowing more smoothly. Schedules work out, communication gets easier and tasks that seemed difficult are suddenly a breeze. Heck, even the VCR starts working again!

Master astrologer Jeff Jawer has this advice for taking advantage of Mercury going direct: "It's time to get the communications ball rolling again. People you couldn't get to the past few weeks may become available now, especially if you are persistent.""

This could explain why one of my Scorpio buddies appears to have dropped on the planet with communications. Hopefully, I'll hear back from her soon.


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