Sunday, October 23, 2005

Doing, Being, Creating

It feels so good to get your life organized. Our surroundings are often times a reflection of the inner state of our being. So are our relationships. Everything in our lives tells the story of us. Sometimes things don't add up. The image we project to others isn't consistent with what's going on inside. The dis-ease of our unbalance an incongruence usually catches up with us. We can try to fool others but the truth, whatever the truth is at that moment, it will come out. My dis-ease is showing up in my surroundings. Things have been cluttered. I'm organizing and de-cluttering today. It feels great to feel my inner self, my mind calm, as I put things in their places. My dis-ease is also showing in my energy levels. The food that I've been eating hasn't been enough to sustain me. Coffee, caffeine, gives me the boost in energy but I get no nutrients. My skin is an indicator of my inner state as well.

I'm happy that I am doing what's necessary to take care of myself. Sometimes I've waited for others to motivate themselves; hoping that their motivation would motivate me. That's robbery...energetic vampirism. It's not fair. All systems play off of each other. If one is off kilter the others will be thrown off as well. Cause and effect. Reaping what is sown. There is no way around the work that we must do to take care of ourselves.

I've organized today, hung a few pictures. I'm going to forward of few of my own pics to Ritz camera so that I can frame and hang my own photographs. I especially love the vibrant colors in the flowers I've photographed. I love creating things. It is our nature as being made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Everything around me is a creation. I am in the company of God's works. I'm so happy that my mind is clear enough to enjoy this day. :)


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