Sunday, September 04, 2005

(Refugee.....) -- Reference -- History -- Reference -- History: "For hundreds of years, lexicographers have systematically codified the denotative meanings of words. Collections of definitions evolved into dictionaries, thesauruses and related denotative language reference tools. However, connotative meaning has eluded such codification or 'pinning down':

Denotation and connotation. . . represent two vocabularies using the same set of words. The denotative usage presents the thing in its essential and objective meaning. The connotative usage presents it enriched by associations and feelings which, though not susceptible of being pinned down, are nonetheless real. (Weaver, R. M. A Rhetoric and Composition Handbook. New York, NY: William Morrow & Company, 1974)

For example, a dictionary provides the following denotative meaning for the word pub:

'a building providing alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises.' (Oxford Dictionary)

However, the word pub simultaneously evokes a host of emotional connotations, such as merriment, pleasure, cheerfulness, perhaps some sadness, and so on. Similarly, words such as summer, love, and melody carry a variety of positive emotional connotative associations for most people, while words such as cancer, rape, and homeless have negative emotional connotations. In all cases, the associated connotations are not systematically accessible using any known language reference resource or tool."


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