Saturday, January 15, 2005


I've been thinking a lot about discipline this week. i have been examining why I personally lask it in my life. I have been thinking a lot about how I start many things but don't finish them...little projects and goals. Many wishes and desires have remained such because there was no plan of action.

I have accpomplished goals in life. The major goals had to do with education and employment. They have also included personal and interpersonal goals. I have accomplished a great deal.

Over the last year I have undergone a metamorphasis. Today I am continuing along that path, a path of growth and self-improvement. I refined goals for myself. Not new years resolutiony type things. These are goals that I want to accomplish in my life.

Discipline has been something that has been missing from my life. Growing up in a home environment where domestic violence was commonplace made it difficult to focus and maintain a routine. Life for little ones becomes about survival and security. Structure and routine helps us develop discipline. Kids require it although they often resist it. Adults require it even though we resist as well. We wanna have fun! We wanna be spontaneous. There's nothing wrong with fun and spontaneity; however it must be balanced with discipline. This is an area of my life that needs to be developed... Discipline to achieve goals.

I am pleased with where I am with this. It's a good feeling to realize and understand how we hold ourselves back in life. It's time to move forward.

Faith without works is dead. It's true! A plan is what's needed. I'm going to work my plan and stay focused. I know it's going to be rough, but it's something I gotta do. Rough? Yeah, because for 34 years I've been going with the flow. My flow did include grabbing a bachelors and masters degree...But this river has to be more focused and purposeFULLy directed. Life's too short to keep staying afloat when you can swim to shore.


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