Saturday, February 16, 2013

I'm seeing a theme in the posts that I am sharing this morning. It seems to be about merging dichotomies, unions of opposites that the Bantu call Ntu. The dominant culture, eurocentric culture, thinks in terms of black and white, and either/or... That is not the thinking of most indigenous people. There are many, many shades of gray. A person is not only good or only bad. We tend to place ourselves and each other in boxes, and oftentimes, we step into the box and live there before others even thought about boxing us. We can grow each day, little by little, and shed limitations that We place on ourselves. We have to be willing to see ourselves differently in order to grow. I am willing to change. I am willing to let go of thoughts, things, and people that it hurts to be attached to. Accepting all sides, all parts of ourselves is an ongoing journey. It requires reconciling some old ways of being and parts We don't care much to claim with parts that We like and love. Self-acceptance, self-love, self-appreciation, and holding self's hard work. Maybe some have it together already...I don't got it like that, but I do feel quite perfect in my imperfections. I am God's creation. We all are! We co-create our realities moment by moment. Each day, all of my parts jockey to emerge as the Patrice that gets to show up. I strive to choose the higher vibration... When disappointed, confused, hurt, sad, mad...what we manifest is a choice. Never forget that you have free will.


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