Monday, April 10, 2006

Power to the Immigration Rally Participants!!!!

I am so happy that so many people participated in the immigration rallies across the country. There is so much about this country, America, that pisses me off. I get overwhelmed with my anger and disappointment.

I hope and pray that a change is gonna come. Dick Gregory always says pray that the truth comes out. I must start to do that... Pray that the truth is revealed. There are so many lies, scandals and cover-ups. Many of us have bought into the belief that America is ALL good doing. Many have had personal and historical experiences that inform us that that is not the truth. While they keep trying to push this lie down our necks...into our psyches.

These people calling into C-Span are talking about securing our borders. Hispanics are currently building this country. They are willingly doing what African slaves and their children were kidnapped and forced to do. Slavery except for punishment for a crime is illegal. The laborers have been replaced. They are no longer Black/African slaves. They are illegal immigrants. America has turned it's head to the so-called problem of illegal immigration. If the government can see by satelite what's happening in Iraq, they can see what's happening in along the border of Texas and Mexico.

The only people who aren't "immigrants" are the sons and daughters of African slaves and the Native Americans. Everyone else came here by choice... They or their ancestors immigrated.

Why are non-white people always disproportionately getting the short end of the stick?


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