The Divine Art of Making Friends
From Man's Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda
The Divine Art of Making Friends
"Friendship is the noblest human expression of God's desire to show His love to man. God showers affection on the baby through the father and mother; their feeling for the infant is inborn, because our Creator has ordained that our parents can't ehlp but love us. But frienship comes to us as a free, impartial expression of His love.
Two strangers meet, and by an instantaneous choice of their hearts they wish to help each other. Have you ever analyzed how this happens? The spontaneous mutual desire to be friends comes directly from God's divine law of attraction; cumulatively mutual acts of friendship between two souls in past lives gradually create a karmic bond that irresistibly attracts them to each other in this life."
Yes, I am a believer... not every friendship, but there are some where there is no other way for me to understand the connection. On rare occasions, a memory from then, that other time, will break its way through. And then other times there is no conscious memory, but a closeness that is so instant that I know this isn't the first time we've communed.
The Divine Art of Making Friends in a chapter in the book called Man's Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda. I am sure that it can be found on I love his books. They bring about a feeling of peace in me.
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