Friday, October 14, 2005

Millions More Movement

I took off from work today to attend pre-rally events of the Millions More Movement. I am so glad that I attended them sessions today at Howard University. I met two Brothers, Calvin and Larry, who came up from North Carolina. They are residents of New Orleans, and survived Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath that followed. These two men; their words really touched my heart and my spirit. They are amazing!

Everything about this Hurricane Katrina thing... the hurricane, the aftermath, the after shocks that we are experiencing as a community, and will continue to experience for some time to follow has altered my conscious reality. The Millions More Movement is necessary for the black community. We must take action to take care of ourselves. We've been in denial for too long. Katrina was an alarm clock with flashing lights and blaring sounds screaming to America, and Black America in particular, WAKE UP!!!!!!

Whatever Katrina stirred up in you, make and take time to process and understand it. Some of us want to distance ourselves from the feelings that were stirred up inside of us. I understand that. It's painfull. And, to deal with it means that we have to deal with the reality that we may be altered in some way. Change is hard especially when we don't initiate it or anticipate it. To avoid facing what Katrina has stirred in us we run to things that distract us and make us feel good and numb to our hurt. Things will change whether we want them to or not. Few understand that it's our resistance to change that causes discomfort. It's like Tai Chi...moving with the flow of energy, not against it. We lay it away, lay-a-way, our troubles for later.

I'm getting off the topic of the post...

We have some dynamic people in the black community. I heard several different heads of of black organizations today. Black social workers, black lawyers, black dentists, black doctors, black farmers, black administrators in child welfare, black psychologists, black sociologists, black psychiatrists, black voices for peace, black panther party and many more. You may not have known that all of these organizations existed. But they do!!!!!! A think tank is being revived. It's called the Institute of the Black 21st Century.

We must unite! We must be active! We must stop the distractions and focus on our liberation! We must realize that we need to continue to fight for our liberation! None of us are exempt from a similar Katrina response from our government officials. The Bush administration takes care of it's own, we must too! But first we have to unify. The Millions More Movement rally tomorrow is the beginning of a movement that we must keep activated. We can't ask what became of the MMM'05 when we didn't do anything to keep it alive. We can make it happen. We must or we will perish much sooner than our time.

If you are in the DC area, come to the downtown mall.

side note: I hope the Dept. of Homeland Security has those environmental sensors working tomorrow. During the Protest rally traces of tularemia were detected. With America's history, I'm usually always on alert.

Today was a blessing. I am so excited about the commemoration of the Million Man March, which I attended ten years ago as a legal observer. It was a beauty-full day. Tomorrow will be too!

Millions More Movement... October 14-16, 2005. Be There!


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