WSJ , AP left out key information in reports on ... [Media Matters]
WSJ , AP left out key information in reports on ... [Media Matters]: "In reports on Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood's lawsuit against five U.S. insurance companies alleging deceptive trade practices for their denial of water damage claims caused by Hurricane Katrina, The Wall Street Journal made only perfunctory reference and the Associated Press none at all to a key element of the case. Hood claims that these companies are offering policyholders immediate funds to cover living expenses only in exchange for signing waivers stating that damage to their property was caused by flooding, which the insurers are claiming is not covered by their policies.
Hood's goal in the suit is at least twofold. He is first seeking a temporary restraining order 'to immediately stop insurance companies from asking property owners to sign documents stating that their loss was caused by floor or water as opposed to wind, and to stop using water exclusions to deny or reduce coverage for hurricane damage or loss'; more generally, Hood is asking the court to declare void and unenforceable provisions that 'attempt to exclude from coverage loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by water, whether or not driven by wind.'"
Hood's goal in the suit is at least twofold. He is first seeking a temporary restraining order 'to immediately stop insurance companies from asking property owners to sign documents stating that their loss was caused by floor or water as opposed to wind, and to stop using water exclusions to deny or reduce coverage for hurricane damage or loss'; more generally, Hood is asking the court to declare void and unenforceable provisions that 'attempt to exclude from coverage loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by water, whether or not driven by wind.'"
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