Sunday, September 11, 2005

Which city prior to the New Orleans catastrophe Made provisions for EVERY citizen to evacuate their localities?

How many local governments made provisions to evacuate the poor, destitute, sick, infirmed citizens of their localities? I listened to the county supervisor of Montgomery County, Maryland on WTOP on Tuesday, 9/6/05. He said that his county will have to go back and make a plan to make sure that all of their citizens are evacuated if the need arises.

Why is there an attempt to shift the Federal governments responsibilities to the local government? Regardless of what the local government (Mayor Nagin and OTHERS) failed to do... How does that absolve the federal government of its responsibility to the citizens of the United States? Please, please, please let us not allow the federal government to shift the focus from them to the state and local government. Yes, we have to understand what went wrong on every level. We, the American people, need to know WHAT we can and/or should expect from the federal government. The presidents approval rating is at an all time low because the American people expected more from him as the president of the United States. None of my Black or White colleagues (I have more white than black colleagues) that I spoke to expected to see what happened in New Orleans happen in the United States. American citizens need answers...What if this was a terrorist attack? Would there be any question about our government's ability to respond? Is it because when terrorists attack we see "America" as the victim? The face of America is white. The face of Katrina was overwhelmingly black.


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