Saturday, September 24, 2005

Thousands jam DC to protest war

Thousands jam DC to protest war: "WASHINGTON – In the largest anti-war rally in the nation's capital since U.S. forces invaded Iraq in 2003, thousands of protestors filled at least a dozen city blocks as they marched past the White House Saturday .

While speakers at the march accused the president of of war crimes and profiteering, the protest also became a rallying point for those upset over the Administration's bungled attempts to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

'George Bush, you need to know that broken levees are weapons of mass destruction,' declared the Rev. Al Sharpton to the crowd that gathered around the Ellipse near the White House before the march.

The event attracted not only veterans of progressive protests - consumer activist Ralph Nader and civil rights icon Jesse Jackson - and the famous - actress Jessica Lange - but also those like 48-year-old Atlanta housewife Evelyn Allen who never felt the need to raise her voice in dissent against the government until the war in Iraq claimed the life of her son, Sgt. Jonathan Shields, last year."


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