Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hughes launches US image makeover among Muslims - Yahoo! News

Hughes launches US image makeover among Muslims - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Karen Hughes, a powerful confidante of
President George W. Bush who has long helped shape his words and message, heads to the Middle East on Saturday as part of a new campaign to make over the U.S. image in the Muslim world.

On the eve of her first trip abroad as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy, Hughes said she did not expect quick results and considered the job a long-term challenge. Some skeptics call it mission impossible.

'I'm not naive,' Hughes said in an interview with Reuters. 'I know a lot of people that we're going to be visiting with disagree with us and certain of our policies.'

The former Bush political adviser and communications guru heads for Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey on what she called a 'listening' tour, a popular way for U.S. politicians to kick off election campaigns. She will meet with government officials, but also students, academics, religious leaders and ordinary people. She has no formal speeches planned.

'It's styled as a listening trip to show respect and to foster understanding both of people's concerns and our policies and our actions,' Hughes said. 'We want to open minds and encourage dialogue.'

She also leaves armed with an alliterative strategy for winning over a world that often takes a hostile view of Washington and where anti-Americanism can fuel extremist groups and terror attacks."


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