Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Healing Thoughts

I've heard Iyanla ask may times, do U wanna be healed or do U wanna be right? Sometimes life requires that we shut our mouths, stop giving reasons why/why not and DO!

I've talked to many people who aren't happy because they feel like where they are is not where they should be. They feel pressure to do this or do that. The internal pressure, the worry becomes their something to do because the thoughts paralyze them.

Is there any harm in accepting ourselves where and as we are at the moment? If we don't acknowledge where we are, how do we really chart a course of action/progress from that place to another? No one of us is perfect except in our imperfection.

There are so many things that I want out of this life. Many things exist in my head. I am motivated by the process of creating something out of thought. Making manifest ideas into tangible things. In the beginning was the word...I believe that to be real. The bible is full of metaphysical truths.

I want to be healed. I don't care if I'm right. Everyone's truth is personal. There are however universal laws that apply to every thing. I want to be healed. I am healing.

Sometimes we get caught up in the physical appearances of things. We see illness as a curse. Illness is a cleanings, a clearing of that which we no longer need. Illness shows up to make clear to us where we actually are. We slow down when we don't feel well. We get a little more focus on the problem at hand when our bodies command that we pay attention through pain and discomfort.

I know I am healing. My recent readings shed light on the asthma and allergies that I am frequently visited by. The lungs are a part of the heart chakra. I have worked with medical doctors to try to facilitate healing and clearing on a physical level. The medications threw my physical system totally off. The side effects were worse than the ailment I sought relief from.
I am reminded that I need to focus on healing from an energetic, emotional level. I need to go deeper and use all avenues to healing. I shall ask the ancestors for guidance and assistance. I need healing help from the invisible realm. I need focus and concentration.

I will affirm and visualize this wellness, this healing I seek...the healing that is here waiting for me.


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