Friday, February 17, 2006

Yahoo! Top Stories - Spears Fears Princess Di Fate

Maybe she didn't watch the news that day...maybe she was too young to remember. Princess Diana was killed in a car crash after the car she was riding in crashed as they were attempting to get away from photographers. The photographers didn't kill her, per se. Their attempt to get away...It was driving at a high rate of speed to get away from photographers and crashing the vehicle that killed them. Their... the driver's actions helped seal their fate. I wished that Diana would have just posed for the fricking picture instead of crashing and dying that night. If Britney doesn't want to be the next Princess Di, she shouldn't drive with her infant son on her lap in an attempt to get away from photographers. Recklessness is the quickest way to become like Princess Diana.

Yahoo! Top Stories - Spears Fears Princess Di Fate: "Britney Spears has a simple explanation for driving around with her baby on her lap: She doesn't want to become the next Princess Diana.

As she attempts to rehab her image after getting caught on film behind the wheel while holding an otherwise unrestrained Sean Preston--and in the process becoming an unwitting poster girl for how not to transport an infant--the pop tart plays the paparazzi card in a new People magazine interview.

'I don't really go out with him,' Spears, 24, says in the issue, on newsstands Friday. 'And it's kind of sad because I can't walk down the street with a stroller. I'm not expecting people to pity me. I'm just telling the truth.'

She continues: 'I've pulled over and asked the cops, 'Could you please help me? They've been driving recklessly back there.' And they say, 'Sorry, ma'am, I can't help you. This is how it is.' '

'I mean, Princess Diana got killed by one of these people. They're crossing the line.'"


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