Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Interactive

I miss the interactions, the sharing that I used to do online. Blogging Katrina became my therapy. I still feel it's important to get information out to people. So, I'll keep doing that. However, since I've been blogging Katrina the site, Blackgold's Spot has become less me overall, and more me as I try to navigate and understand the world around me and inside since Hurricane Katrina. I am sure that I will be linking more articles related to Katrina and politics in the United States. Life, living forces us to be in the moment. Sometimes that requires our perpetual movement and motion.

Hurricane Katrina made landfall a little over a month ago. I think about the people that we saw on the television, but rarely hear about since then unless the news is negative. I've seen a few clips of people being reunited with loved ones and pets. I've also heard of a few couples getting married.

One of the many stories I've heard about recently was the over exaggeration and, in some instances, falsehood of some of the mayhem in New Orleans. Some aspects of the story were difficult to corroborate...rapes, murders, etc.

It doesn't surprise me. I've heard it said that The truth is usually the first casualty of war. Is this a war? You better believe it is. This is a war for the minds and perceptions of the America people. What, who will you believe? Why is it important for you to believe one over the other? As long as the Bush administration believes that it has the backing of at least half of America it will continue with it's agenda. The Bush agenda has very few of our best interests at heart. Yes, this is all my opinion. Hey, it's my blog.

Information is controlled and manipulated by just about everyone. It is rare to hear truth. It is also hard to distinguish truth from a lie because the person telling the lie often believes his own lies. I hate this group think thing that seems to be going around. I see it at work all the time. We have multidisciplinary teams but most everyone thinks alike. I believe it's due to a lack of diversity. A lack of individuality. Many are concerned about image and being liked at the sacrifice of what's in the best interest of the clients/students and families we discuss.

I am missing communion. I am missing interacting. Work does not provide the interactions. Work is work. I am enjoying "Falling From Grace: Meditations on Loss, Healing and Wisdom" by Sobonfu Some'. It's a good read. I am also reading James Baldwin's "Nobody Knows My Name". I am new to James Baldwin. I feel the need to get to know him better. I am really connecting to his spirit through his writing. There will be more to share on him, I am sure. I am really feeling him. Not just in the sense of liking him or his work. I'm bonding with the guy in a way that I haven't done in a very long time with an author. It's as if I was divinely drawn to his works at a time when I really needed it.

I had a reading done a few years ago. The person doing the reading told me to meditate because it would help/assist in the download. The ancestors had a story to tell through me. I need to spend some time with that thought, that reminder.

Life is purposefull. We have to remember that. I am so thankfull for the opportunity to be here. I don't want to waste time, or talents. It is so important to be patient with ourselves and realize that we are on purpose even when we think we aren't. Our down times are blessings just as our good/high times are blessings.

Love. Let's use love to make the world a better place. This maniacal machine that is running and ruining the world...that energy is not love. Maybe it's necessary. It's just that we are off balance. The scale is tipped and love's legs are dangling on life's see-saw. Her feet aren't touching the ground. Let's bring love back to the equation. Let's start with learning to love ourselves and extend that love to our brothers and sisters. We have to believe that we can conquer every adversity. If we approach life from a defeated posture, we will be defeated. I am not speaking of one person over another. Or, one group over another. We see how that's working...It's NOT!

Check out Falling From Grace by Sobonfu Some'. It's a beautifull offering that is inspiring me to to embrace adversity as a blessing that will aid our healing.

It's bedtime...until next time, Peace. Love. And More Light!


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