Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Telegraph - Calcutta : Opinion-- MORALLY REPUGNANT

The Telegraph - Calcutta : Opinion: "But Indian public money for America’s hurricane relief? No way! New Delhi’s decision to give away five million dollars to the American Red Cross is ethically unacceptable because the American reality of their Red Cross is very different from official India’s illusion or imagination of what that organization is. Did those in New Delhi, who approved the decision to donate Indian taxpayers’ money to the American Red Cross, know that the organization’s president, Bernadine Healy, resigned in disgrace only six weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001?

Those were the weeks when money was pouring into the coffers of the American Red Cross. Americans, who could not go to Ground Zero and help in clearing the debris of the Twin Towers and to look for those who had perished in the terrorist attack, believed it was their patriotic duty to give. Not only ordinary Americans, but companies too. The day after the attack, Microsoft and General Electric both donated $10 million each to the Twin Towers Fund which had barely been set up. Cisco pledged six million dollars to the American Red Cross and Sprint gave half a million. A “Liberty Fund” set by the American Red Cross closed even before it fully opened for donations because it had received whopping contributions totalling as much as $547 million."


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