Friday, September 09, 2005

Sharpton tells Bush: 'Heads must roll' -The Afro American Newspaper

The Afro American Newspaper: "By James Wright
Special to the AFRO

The Rev. Al Sharpton, a 2004 Democratic presidential candidate and current president of the National Action Network, said those who are responsible for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's lack of response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster must be replaced.
'Heads must roll to restore the confidence of the American people in our relief agencies,' Sharpton said. 'Other than that, President Bush is, in effect, keeping in place the same [people] that failed in this crisis.'
Continuing to press Bush on the failure of FEMA, he said, 'It is disingenuous for President Bush to say that what has happened is unacceptable and not change the leadership in FEMA that is largely responsible for an ineffective, inadequate response.'
Sharpton also took to task Black leaders who have not called for the resignation of the leaders of FEMA.
'If you compare how the government responsed to a lesser hurricane in West Palm Beach, Fla., to how they responded in New Orleans, one knows that race was clearly a factor."


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