Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Levee were blown? : LA IMC ( A MUST READ)

The Levee were blown? : LA IMC: "The Levee were blown?
by Major Repost Thursday, Sep. 08, 2005 at 9:05 AM

There's something very wrong with the chronology of the levee breaks in New Orleans

Do you find it highly suspicious that the levees in New Orleans broke at 4:00 AM on August 30th?

The main storm surge from Hurricane Katrina would have been washed into Lake Pontchartrain at about 7:00 AM on August 29th when the counterclockwise motion of Katrina was pushing water from the Gulf of Mexico into the lake.

Why is there a 21 hour discrepancy between the storm surge and the collapse of the levees?

During the initial news coverage, some media outlets tried to explain away the time discrepancy as a 'secondary storm surge' off of Lake Pontchartrain. Hurricanes DO NOT, never have and never will create 'secondary storm surges'. There's only one storm surge, the main surge while a hurricane makes landfall.

A secondary storm surge is about as believable as a magic bullet. But of course anybody who logically investigates the facts of this catastrophe will be accused of spending way too much time on the grassy knoll.

Now lets move on to the next two questions.

Why did pumping station #6, according to a statement made by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin during an interview with Matt Lauer on the August 29th edition of the Today Show, fail in the lower 9th ward, which also happens to be the section of New Orleans which is the deepest part of the city? Why did the Industrial Canal levee break near the 9th ward a few hours later?

It's interesting that both the failure of pumping station #6 and the Industrial Canal levee occurred within hours of each other within the same geographic area.

The breakdown of pumping station #6 would have gradually allowed the flooding of the 9th ward and force it's residents to flee to the second floor and roofs of their houses.

The immediate flood of water from the breach of the Industrial Canal levee a few hours later ..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who owns the property where the levees broke?

9:22 AM  

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